Friday, December 23, 2005
Christmas Message
Christmas is near and just like the Lord says is best we forgive and forget. I would like to apologize to all those I’ve intentionally or unintentionally hurt in my blog or just in your face. 2005 have been kind to me. I’m a Manager now? Who ever thought I would ever reach this height. There was even a time I was too lazy to find a job. I look forward to 2006. I wish everyone (my friends + and blog readers) a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeah . May the year 06 bring you joy and a step to maturity of life.
Bystander's View
I know of a friend who her fiancĂ© wanted to break off with her for something quite trivial when I heard about it my heart leaped of anger and desperation. Anger on how he could threaten this woman as such. Is marriage a joke? That you can pull back when you want to? There was a sec where I was worried about her and asked should I step in and ask her hand in marriage? Then reality kicked my ass and I was back to my senses. I and this gal have been really friends for a long time. I began to ask myself questions like how do betray such a friendship of so long? So now I’m a by stander in her dilemma watching her by the sidelines only allowing myself to comfort her with my words.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Movie: Roll & Bounce

The movie has great music and some how or rather Bow Wow reminds me of lil Micheal Jackson
Opinion: Church Choir

As a fervent Catholic (yes I hear you laughing) I’ve been to many churches and their masses. I believe a good mass is made of a good priest who shares his sermon well with the congregation and the choir who emotionally enrich our souls. We all can name a few good priest or 2 who does that to us, but how many of you can name me a good church choir. In Malaysia the church choir has lost its meaning, their voices do not stand out from the congregation. Tower Records motto is ‘No Music, No Life’ same goes to a mass. If there’s no proper music the congregation is dead. I think these days the church keeps a choir just for the sake of having one.
What do I expect from a choir? Well, I expect to be moved by the choir. I expect my spirits be lifted up. Haven’t you guy’s watched Sister Acts franchises or any black movies that involves church going? And said damm I wished my church choir was that good or at least half that good? There is nothing I can do to make my church choir any good nor am I bothered to do so. I think I’m living in a time where no one really cares a shit and things like choirs aren’t worth it.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Christmas Wish List
Thank you for the gifts I got for Christmas
- Tie Hanger - Kelvin
- Book: The innocent - Harlen Coben - Kelvin
- Book: The Harmony Silk Factory - Tash Aw - Shari
- CD: Notorious B.I.G. - Alex
- DVD: FRIENDS (Season 3-4) - Mark(Myself... Hehehe)
- Glass - Caroline
- A Mug - Secret Santa
- A Philips Shaver - Mum (Finnaly)
- Shirt: Indian Shirt - Marcia
Poem: A Lovers Touch
Thoughts as soft as velvet gently drift into my mind,
Reminiscent lover's touch, another place and time;
My body aches to hold you close,
my heart beats pure & fast,
I embrace the feel of your sweet taste, to have you here at last.
Fingertips carressing as the passion starts to rise,
the love you're making to me shines softly through your eyes,
as I feel you deep within me & I'm lost in all your charms,
the only place my heart desires is the comfort of your arms...
Reminiscent lover's touch, another place and time;
My body aches to hold you close,
my heart beats pure & fast,
I embrace the feel of your sweet taste, to have you here at last.
Fingertips carressing as the passion starts to rise,
the love you're making to me shines softly through your eyes,
as I feel you deep within me & I'm lost in all your charms,
the only place my heart desires is the comfort of your arms...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Diary: Christmas Shopping
Last Friday, was our 1st training session for the inter-departmental futsal tournament. All the ladies and the men joined in for a training session held in the Footy Futsal in Kelana Jaya. On Dec 17 the match begins. 5 team compete among each other of the AKN Mtech Cup. I being the organizer and all didn’t attend as I had to attend Kelvin’s Birthday party in Bangsar the Rox. The infamous Rox, the Indian pub. To all who knows me that is one thing I’m quite terrified about Indian pubs, as anything bad can happen. I was surprised to see that Kevin is back with his girlfriend. I must say I wasn’t quite that please with her to begin with but one has the right to express his opinion. I left after a couple of drinks, I left with Mel to Bar Fly where we sent the rest of the evening there.
The next day I had some very important errands to run but I overslept. We left Bar fly quite late, I think I reached home at about 4 in the morning. With a quick bath and change I headed to Midvalley. After running my errands I headed to Carrefour to get a Christmas tree for the office. I got a pre-decorated tree for RM60 sand then headed to Sg Wang to replenish my DVD stock. I got Friends season 2 now, 7 more to go. Watching friends I can’t help telling myself I’m so like Chandler. Saturday was that.
Sunday I attended mass at St John’s by myself. Mass was boring as usual they had the priest with the stroke celebrating mass. Someone should really decommission him; it’s so hard to understand what he is actually trying to say. But I guess wit the shortage of priest we will just have to do. After mass I headed to KLCC for breakfast at SFC. I had my favorite Caramel Cappuccino and croissant ham sandwich. With my paper in my hand had a very nice and quite breakfast. When the stores were open it was Christmas shopping time. I got some nice stuff, shopping is therapeutic. I got pressies for Mum, Alex, Andrew, Melman, Kelvin, Michelle, and the rest of the gang. I also visited the KL Convention Centre PC Fair. It’s a very nice place lil on the posh side, very big and has a wonderful view of the park. It was surprising to see lots of St Joseph parishioners shopping in KLCC
The next day I had some very important errands to run but I overslept. We left Bar fly quite late, I think I reached home at about 4 in the morning. With a quick bath and change I headed to Midvalley. After running my errands I headed to Carrefour to get a Christmas tree for the office. I got a pre-decorated tree for RM60 sand then headed to Sg Wang to replenish my DVD stock. I got Friends season 2 now, 7 more to go. Watching friends I can’t help telling myself I’m so like Chandler. Saturday was that.
Sunday I attended mass at St John’s by myself. Mass was boring as usual they had the priest with the stroke celebrating mass. Someone should really decommission him; it’s so hard to understand what he is actually trying to say. But I guess wit the shortage of priest we will just have to do. After mass I headed to KLCC for breakfast at SFC. I had my favorite Caramel Cappuccino and croissant ham sandwich. With my paper in my hand had a very nice and quite breakfast. When the stores were open it was Christmas shopping time. I got some nice stuff, shopping is therapeutic. I got pressies for Mum, Alex, Andrew, Melman, Kelvin, Michelle, and the rest of the gang. I also visited the KL Convention Centre PC Fair. It’s a very nice place lil on the posh side, very big and has a wonderful view of the park. It was surprising to see lots of St Joseph parishioners shopping in KLCC
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Movie: Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

The movie might have been good but my imagination when I read the book was greater.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Games: Bikini Clad Falling Woman
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What else amazed me that the kids didn't respect the food. Some chose not to eat at the canteen which I'm ok with and some threw away their food. Loads of em'. It made me think of my old days where my Aunty Pat now with her new grandson has lifted her to the status of Patti Pat forced us to eat something new. If she had to shove it down our throats so be it. My mum made sure my plate was clean before I could leave the table. My family has really thought me the value and how to respect it. I never waste it, but of course I do know a friend who loves wasting fod eventhough her mum has cooked it. Back to my story, the students held a protest to bring back oily nuggets and chips back to the menu some parents called the school to complain and ask them to give these students back this kind of food. Thankfully the principal didnt budge and let Jamie do what he does best.
Now Jamie's new challenge is to train 60 school lunch ladies to do the same in other schools. And whats worst is that most of them hate cooking healthy foods as well......
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Diary: Maggie ! my Goddess

Last Sunday I met up with Mel in 1 Utama. We wnet to watch Drahon Squad although it was quite tempting to go watch Harry Potter. The movie was such a let down compared the the amazing thriller. I think its such a miracle to see a fat guy (Sammo Hung) be able to run and do Kung Fu moves lightning fasdt. I wish Lenny was like that... hahahaha. The plot of the movie was very weak and it wasn't really captured on the film brilliantly. But what made the movie worth my ticket price was to see Maggie Q ( The pic). She had very lil/no lines to that film, she played a sniper and a good one too. God she is so an ICON. I believe even though if I was rich and had a personality she would still be out of my league. Above all the movie sucked, the music director needed to be kicked in his arse as his choice of music was terrible.
After the movie had lunch at this Hong Kong themed restaurant and we just talked, male bonding in progress. Mel later left me at Concorde where I was so attend mr Ecng wedding dinner. There were lots of AKN and ex AKN staff there so you could say it such a happy gathering. The food was excellent. He must have spent a bomb on the wedding cost. There was free boos but I limited myself to 2 glasses as I've promised myself. I was seated in the management table like I really needed too but lukily I had Lester and Lenny. We were joking around. It was a nice wedding. I got a call from an old friend on Friday inviting me to his wedding. Boy of boy arent everyone getting married. Am I really missing something here. I feel like I'm in KL Sentral and I've lost my direction where everone else is cathing on the 'right' train.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Christmas Is Here

Its in every shopping mall you go into everywhere in KL Christmas is in the air. The wreaths are up and so are the Christmas tree. Ornaments hang on the tree bright lights shine. Seeing Santa and the reindeer everywhere I see makes me feel like a small kid. Feels warm, giggly in a way for me. Christmas is the best time of the year for me, it feels magical to me. Being the most corporate holiday ($$) the meaning has definitely been lost. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ but somewhere along the line that has been forgotten by the public. Now non Christian folk celebrate Christmas associated with this red tubby guy called Santa (look left). Its amazing the definitions I get from my non Christian folk when they tell me what Christmas is all about. One of my friends said that Christmas was about exchanging gifts. Yes, he is actually right in a way; that’s the commercial way. The way how the corporate companies has led us to believe so that they can increase their quarterly profits.
I too am sucked by this escapade. Ever since getting a JOB, I was officially removed from the getting gifts part from some of my relatives and I had to give out gifts to family and relatives. I think that’s where apart of me grew up and I lost a little feeling of Christmas. I guess most of you will agree with me that celebrating your festive holidays when you were young was the best. We had nothing to care about. Christmas shopping, getting that new attire for Christmas Mass. Opening the presents on Christmas Day or just up to mischief with your cousins at your grand mum place. Good Times I must say, I wonder what ever happened to it. How did we grow up an lose this precious feeling. I still enjoy Christmas shopping but now I got to be aware of my budget. I guess that’s just it. We just care too much on these ‘important’ stuff that it clouds us from the original meaning/feeling.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Adult Content: Fake Orgasm

Woman Lie About Orgasm. Yes I did see Harry met Sally and Iwas turned on when she faked her orgasm. I just found out one of my old flames used to fake her orgasm so that I would not feel bad, it was not like I was bad in bed or anything. (Free Trial to all those Intrested for test run). Dam I feel hurt, like a wonded bear with a bad bruised ego. Discussing further with my friend apparently all women does it at one point or the other. Its their way to make the men feel BIG, pampered. Not being happy I asked a couple of my gal pals and it was the same thing. They faked orgasm one point or other. I guess women have us in their pinky finger when it comes to making us feel good. And all this time we (MEN) thought we were the Kings and we were doing a god job.
Knowing the fact at that time my woman faked orgasm made me wonder was I really that bad in bed. I hope all the women I've been with havent been faking their orgasm. But you never know I guess those who keeps coming back for more (You know who you are) arent faking it. Well it obvious that men can never know when she is faking and when she is not because we would be to busy in the game. Which makes me wonder have men faked sex. Hmm I guess so, You like the gal and when you find her in bed not what you expected to be or the worst case those rubbish sex. Then the question comes the next morning, how was it. You cant say it to her thats 'it was utter rubbish' or worst still ' it was like humping a sack of potatoes'. I dont even want to hear that said to me either. So we lie our way and hope we dont meet again or worst case we break it off. MEN ! ! Pigs !! If men are Pigs women would be.... even in name calling men and woman are not in the csame kind. Sigh ....
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
American Pie: Band Camp

For those who has quick hands and love some stripping. Try this
Monday, October 31, 2005
Diary: Quick Re-cap and mumblings

It’s been really long since I’ve blogged something in here. I’ve been extremely busy with work and socializing with clients for the past couple of weeks. I packed the pounds and I need too shed them immediately before Christmas. It’s bad enough people are saying that I’m catching up to Lenny. Damm…
Speaking about Lenny, his mother is much better now, she has been removed from the CCU (Something like ICU) ward to the normal surgical ward. She is speaking now compared to the last time I met her. I admire Lenny sometimes, in front of his mum he pulls up a strong stable man able to laugh at anything. Laughter is the best medicine they say and I guess he’s the Patch Adams to his mother. Sometimes I do wonder what I would do if such a fate had befallen me would I be strong nor bothered enough to take care of my parents. Yes you heard me. Those of you who know me would definitely know I’m no model son.
Last 2 weeks I finally met up with Melman. It’s been ages since I met him. We chilled at Thai club and bar fly. Thai club has changed for the worse I’m sad to say. We went there to meet up with Nick to catch up on old times. As usual Nick paid no attention to me I was best being a ghost. We left to Barfly where the music and the crowd was much more happening. Gave the eye to some women, talked to a few. Amazing some of them think I’m an expact, (I’m smiling) took no ladies or number back though. Not really that interested yet. Loads of things for me accomplish before I get woman. Though I don’t mind the company though.
Last week has been an Open house galore for me. Since Monday right up to Friday there was a bukak puasa function I had to go to. That’s the prime reason where the fat has been packing on to. It began on Friday in Park Royal, dinner with Celcom, the most boring bunch of people you will ever meet. It’s like talking to chalk. No wonder loads of people have left Celcom and claim that the people who run it are idiots. The next Monday was
Maxis that was held in Concorde ballroom. This was a proud, snobbish group except this nice beautiful gal who was in charged of a project who was keen for us to enter. Her name was Mazura I think. Sweet Lady, quite friendly.
Tuesday was Concorde again at a place called Melting Pot; it was for the corporate team function I was just enjoying the food. Very nice that had lemonade slush and the food was Negeri Sembilan cuisine. Really rich kind of food ‘berlemak’ if you know what I mean. They had tripe which was so delicious and prawns... yum yum. Wednesday was Sheraton Subang for DiGi. It was my 1st there the food was so-so only the group of people from DiGi was very friendly and I was in my corporate mode selling the company products. Fishing for new contracts.
There was no function of Thursday, thank god but Friday was Hilton PJ. Besides finding a parking was difficult The buffet line was horrendously organize. I didn’t really know where to begin nor end. It didn’t help that there was such a big crowd. I hate crowds so it threw me off. It was also Lester Birthday and we celebrated it weather he liked it or not. We all chipped it and got him a Raoul cufflink and Liverpool Team best goals VCD. Hope he like it.
After dinner, the guys wanted me to follow them for a movie. I agreed I followed Lennys car and made a lil detour to the hospital to meet his mother then we headed to Brew ball for some pool. It’s been ages since I played pool. It’s good that I still suck at it. We played for a couple of hours before the movie ‘GOAL’; it was not really what I expected. Quite weak plot and not much of skills shown for a football movie. Highlight of the movie was watching Liverpool lose 3-2.
Saturday I woke up at 11 after yesterday’s escapade till 3 in the morning. I was really lazy to go out but I forced myself to leave home at 4. I headed to Midvalley; I headed to Jusco for a new pair of work shoes. I also got a new Nike bag which was on sale. I had dinner by myself at Chilies. I had steak and stout while I read my book. The person next to me was trying to hit on the bartender. It was really sad. I left back home tired lugging my shopping items. Mum was hogging the TV with the Vanavil so I had the new HOT magazine, they had cover on celebrity tattoos. Paris Hilton has a rosary tattoo on her ankle which I find offensive. How can you have something sacred on your feet?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Short Prayer

This entry if for my best friends mother. She is sick and I would like to post a get well prayer for her. Which so happens to be from St Augustine.. hahah m,u dad
Prayer for the Sick
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones.P ity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen. ~ Saint Augustine
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Poem: Unknown
I got this on the Star Youth. It kind of had a mix reflection in my life. Sharing it with you...
I knew that someday it would end,
I knew I'd eventually have to go back to calling you a friend,
Its killing me that now that the day has come,
If it's for the best then where is the pain coming from
I know that deep inside, this is what
I had to do,But it's breaking my heart to walk away from you,
I'm trying my best to appear strong,
But it's hard when a part of me says that in your arms I belong.
I still love you with all my heart,
That's not going to change even though we are apart,
You were my first love and my first kiss,
There are so many of our special times that I'm going to miss.
All the words I ever said or wrote still hold true,
But for now from a distance is where I'll be loving you,
I think you need me as a friend to help you through,
Because there are things I can't control that are hurting you
Maybe we will be together again if it was meant to be,
But for now please dont stop loving me,
Even though I'm not yours I'll still be here,
With a shoulder to cry on, or a sympathetic ear,
The story of love can be quicker than the blink of an eye,
But our story wont be over until the day we die,Until we meet again.
I knew that someday it would end,
I knew I'd eventually have to go back to calling you a friend,
Its killing me that now that the day has come,
If it's for the best then where is the pain coming from
I know that deep inside, this is what
I had to do,But it's breaking my heart to walk away from you,
I'm trying my best to appear strong,
But it's hard when a part of me says that in your arms I belong.
I still love you with all my heart,
That's not going to change even though we are apart,
You were my first love and my first kiss,
There are so many of our special times that I'm going to miss.
All the words I ever said or wrote still hold true,
But for now from a distance is where I'll be loving you,
I think you need me as a friend to help you through,
Because there are things I can't control that are hurting you
Maybe we will be together again if it was meant to be,
But for now please dont stop loving me,
Even though I'm not yours I'll still be here,
With a shoulder to cry on, or a sympathetic ear,
The story of love can be quicker than the blink of an eye,
But our story wont be over until the day we die,Until we meet again.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Diary: Sleepy Head, A Wedding and A Pissed of Friend (Part 2)
Well, the wedding ended at about 10.30pm, the lot of us decided to head back. Eddie gave me a lift back home. I felt a lil tipsy when I reached home; I guess the wine was kicking in. I took my bath and sat down to read my book so I could fall asleep faster but I ended up watching the 1st half of the England – Austria game. I was hoping for England to lose and not qualify for the World Cup but to my disappointment they did. I woke up on Sunday and didn’t attend mass. I know I’m a sinner but who’s not. Ever since I’ve been back from London. I’ve had the notion to migrate over there and settle down. Weird part is I feel much more comfortable there than here. The idea of starting a new life in a foreign place seems quite appealing to me. There isn’t anything much for me to be here anyway, segregating myself with the people I know would make the transition process easier not to be missed. I’m really thinking about, maybe not London but someplace foreign. Start afresh.
The week has been hectic as usual, Monday was as usual meeting day. But I had loads to do as we were getting ready for the launch of Yahoo Singapore; we are lil behind schedule. Yesterday I went to University Hospital to visit Lennys mum who is about to undergo a minor surgery. Its nice to see a Lenny banter with his mum and make fun just to ease of the tension in the air. Lenny’s mum is quite worried about the surgery, who wouldn’t even I would if I had to go through it. Its nice to know that UH is a very kept and the nurses are hot.
The week has been hectic as usual, Monday was as usual meeting day. But I had loads to do as we were getting ready for the launch of Yahoo Singapore; we are lil behind schedule. Yesterday I went to University Hospital to visit Lennys mum who is about to undergo a minor surgery. Its nice to see a Lenny banter with his mum and make fun just to ease of the tension in the air. Lenny’s mum is quite worried about the surgery, who wouldn’t even I would if I had to go through it. Its nice to know that UH is a very kept and the nurses are hot.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Diary: Sleepy Head, A Wedding and A Pissed of Friend (Part 1)
The fasting month has started and that only means only one thing Bazaar Ramadan. All kind of food delicacies will be at my disposable. But I haven’t made good use of it as work has taken the toll of me. Again I’m faced with the toil of management. Now they judge my trust in the company. I hate it when my loyalty is questioned. Hmm the thought of screwing them has been in my mind for so long. The company share is no better, my house down payment is due by the end of the year lets see how it goes. Those who owe’s me money better start paying up please, I think I’ve asked quite nicely we don’t want it to be ugly do we? I’m thinking of taking a 2 day holiday, just do nothing go for a movie maybe next week Thursday and Friday.
Last Friday, I was invited over to Lenny’s house for dinner. Lenny lives in Bandar Sri Petaling (I Think). It’s a nice place, a newly built apartment. He has made it quite homely. If you notice these days all apartments/condominiums has an open kitchen, meaning to say it some how is apart of the living room. I don’t really fancy this design as kitchen should be a kitchen and living room be a living room. It should have boundaries. His mother fish curry which was delicious, and to those who know me I stay away from fish but the curry was excellent, she also did a sausage dish. I got some Ayamas roaster on the way, not wanting to come to the house empty handed. I had a lil chat with the mother. She was telling me about her injured leg and how she was coping with it. The doctor suspects that there is a twisted vain in her leg, most likely she is will undergo a minor surgery.
Lenny left me at Salak South station and I headed back home, the train ride felt short as I was quite into my new book. Back home after a long hot shower I headed to my room to continue with my book, I slept while reading my book. I woke up quite late the next day, it was close to 11. I seem to be really tired these days I wonder why? I didn’t really want to wake up but I had too, Andrew was at home so there goes my peaceful afternoon. There was nothing to eat at home for lunch so I decided to go to Sg Wang and get something. I placed an order at my DVD Shop, I was due to pick it up on Saturday. I got Chicken rice for the both of us and headed back. While lunch I watched a DVD I just got, it was an old Black Comedy staring the Wayans brothers. It was growing up in the hood kind of story. I headed to my room to do lil cleaning; my room is a never ending pig’s sty all thanks to my lovely brothers.
In the evening there was a wedding for me to attend my colleague Alicia was finally tying the knot with her long boy friend Mike. I was there quite early; I decided to give Mel a ring. It’s been a long time seen I spoke or meet up with him. Mel picked up the phone with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I don’t blame the guy; I’ve managed to break all the promises when we were supposed to meet. I was supposed to call him after the wedding to meet up but again I screw it up but not calling him. It was late anyway when the wedding finished. The wedding was held at Summer Palace a Thai Thong restaurant. It was 9 course meal which tasted excellent. They had a slide show of their wedding done previously. Their wedding car was an Evo 7 well kept. Looked new.
Last Friday, I was invited over to Lenny’s house for dinner. Lenny lives in Bandar Sri Petaling (I Think). It’s a nice place, a newly built apartment. He has made it quite homely. If you notice these days all apartments/condominiums has an open kitchen, meaning to say it some how is apart of the living room. I don’t really fancy this design as kitchen should be a kitchen and living room be a living room. It should have boundaries. His mother fish curry which was delicious, and to those who know me I stay away from fish but the curry was excellent, she also did a sausage dish. I got some Ayamas roaster on the way, not wanting to come to the house empty handed. I had a lil chat with the mother. She was telling me about her injured leg and how she was coping with it. The doctor suspects that there is a twisted vain in her leg, most likely she is will undergo a minor surgery.
Lenny left me at Salak South station and I headed back home, the train ride felt short as I was quite into my new book. Back home after a long hot shower I headed to my room to continue with my book, I slept while reading my book. I woke up quite late the next day, it was close to 11. I seem to be really tired these days I wonder why? I didn’t really want to wake up but I had too, Andrew was at home so there goes my peaceful afternoon. There was nothing to eat at home for lunch so I decided to go to Sg Wang and get something. I placed an order at my DVD Shop, I was due to pick it up on Saturday. I got Chicken rice for the both of us and headed back. While lunch I watched a DVD I just got, it was an old Black Comedy staring the Wayans brothers. It was growing up in the hood kind of story. I headed to my room to do lil cleaning; my room is a never ending pig’s sty all thanks to my lovely brothers.
In the evening there was a wedding for me to attend my colleague Alicia was finally tying the knot with her long boy friend Mike. I was there quite early; I decided to give Mel a ring. It’s been a long time seen I spoke or meet up with him. Mel picked up the phone with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I don’t blame the guy; I’ve managed to break all the promises when we were supposed to meet. I was supposed to call him after the wedding to meet up but again I screw it up but not calling him. It was late anyway when the wedding finished. The wedding was held at Summer Palace a Thai Thong restaurant. It was 9 course meal which tasted excellent. They had a slide show of their wedding done previously. Their wedding car was an Evo 7 well kept. Looked new.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Phone Subjects
Recently I too have had a crush on someone, and striking up a conversation is such a hard thing. Especially when u call her on her hand phone. They expect you to talk and ask questions they don’t ask you back anything, not as often as you anyway. When I was having my chat with Shari that when her crush has nothing to say he asks about the weather. I laughed my head off when Shari told me about it but yesterday I used that’s same line. I kicked myself over the head for saying that line. What the hell was I thinking?
It’s been a real long time since I’ve done this and I think I’m failing at it. I need help! ! !
It’s been a real long time since I’ve done this and I think I’m failing at it. I need help! ! !
Diary: I liked This Week

This weekend has been a blast. It began with Friday when early in the morning Logen called me up and asked why there was no more futsal games being held. Being the teams self proclaimed team manager, I got Jaya to organize a ‘training’ match among ourselves. Hmm what character should I play? Should I play Chewing Gum Fergie or Snotty Jose hahahaha. Well we’ll be playing this Tuesday at Taman Megah. I may not play well but I do manage well. I left office with Nizam at about 8, he dropped me off at PWTC and I headed to the night market. With my usual ritual of nasi goreng ayam I bought it and headed home. A nice long shower and I was in front of the TV watching some movie. I headed to bed early.
Saturday I woke up at 7 but I decided to sleep back in again till 9 where I woke up and made breakfast for myself. I headed to KLCC to do the ritual bill payment and then I was off to Midvalley to do my grocery shopping. I like to do grocery shopping. It kinds of help you unwind. Taking your time to shop. I got lunch on the way and headed straight home where I put my stuff away and had lunch. Watched a lil TV and about 3-ish I took my nap, in hope to wake up to go for mass in the evening but waking up was quite a difficult task so I slept away till much later to the evening. I stayed up way late of the night. I couldn’t sleep due to my mini nap in the afternoon. I watched an old movie. Notting Hill, staring Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant and a bunch of British Actors. It brought back memories. The infamous line ‘I’m jus a gal standing in front a boy asking her to love me’ was spoken which was hilarious as I knew somebody who was so into that line that he carried it in his wallet. You know who you are… hahahaha. Memories I live on them.
I woke up early on Sunday and headed for mass at St Johns, The church of convenience. I said a prayer at the statue of Virgin Mary. I think she was washed down or the rain did that; she looked quite clean. I attended mass I saw Priscilla with her family and my distant relatives attending mass. They were quite surprised to see me, as I’m of those people who don’t really attend my relative functions. I pick and choose which I want to attend most of the time I don’t attend my dad’s side (long story). I headed to KLCC after mass for breakfast. I got the latest HOT magazine and was dishing myself with the latest gossips. I meet up with Shari for a movie. We were to watch the Longest Yard but before that we had a mini smack at SFC. We catched up with our lives, Shari told me about her new crush in her life and we did a lil scrutinizing. After the movie Shari dropped me off at Sg Wang where I did my normal DVD shopping. I met Sachin and his wife at my local DVD place. I searched for a shop which sold Pirated music but there was none. If any of you know where I can get my hands on these kinds of stuff please do inform me.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Diary: Hectic Week
This week has been hell bound, I’ve been under pressure from my Director about how my conduct of my team has been. Due to this I have doubted my managerial skills, to be honest I feel kind of washed out. To err is to be human, but I cannot accept that fact. It’s true that I have too much on my plate and I should share my responsibilities around. But I don’t see anyone capable enough. For example I ask one of my team do a Maxis testing over the weekend but the job was done half hearted and I noticed many of them are giving me the attitude (Marina not you), I think its because of how I treat my staff. It looks like I need to be more stern and heartless a bit. What really pissed me off was my Director threatened me, don’t they know I don’t response well when I’m threatened. Overall I’m just disappointed with myself.
Lenny’s mum has been severely ill. The boy is taking care of her. Lenny has been hit by bad spell every single time. This weekend he is suppose to move into his new apartment with his mum. Morgan has just became a father, he called me up last week to ask how we were and to tell us the good news. It’s nice to read that some of my friends are moving on, Shari best of luck, and yes never keep your hopes up. Disappointments are a so painful. Guess what Shari; I’m also on the same boat as you. But I can’t get the person out of my mind. I think she think me as a friend only…. Hmmmm. What to do? What to do?
Saturday was a lazy day, I woke up went to the market got myself some wanton mee and did what I normally do, which is watched cartoons. Nothing better than watching Kim Possible save the day on a Saturday. Apparently mum didn’t make lunch so I skipped lunch. I watched a French movie which I got on DVD. Must say it was quite a good movie. Thank God for subtitles, it was a martial arts action flick called B13. Recommend to all those who buys pirated DVD’s. I and Dad had an argument when I said I didn’t want to go to church. I didn’t really feel like going.
Sunday I woke up at about 7, got myself freshen up headed to KLCC for a nice peaceful breakfast. I had my favorite Caramel Cappuccino and a some chicken pie for breakfast. It was nice to seat down with a news paper while slurping your coffee. After breakfast I headed to St Joseph’s church not for mass but for the blood donation. As you can say I’m kind of a rare blood type I was taken care of quite well. While the nurse preps me she tells to the other nurse. ‘–B kena ambik 3 bottle ah, dulu ambik satu aje’. M twisted mind began laughing out loud. I was thinking how the nurse was actually milking the cow, which is me. Mum made her usual feast back at home, then it was chores and CSI Sunday
Lenny’s mum has been severely ill. The boy is taking care of her. Lenny has been hit by bad spell every single time. This weekend he is suppose to move into his new apartment with his mum. Morgan has just became a father, he called me up last week to ask how we were and to tell us the good news. It’s nice to read that some of my friends are moving on, Shari best of luck, and yes never keep your hopes up. Disappointments are a so painful. Guess what Shari; I’m also on the same boat as you. But I can’t get the person out of my mind. I think she think me as a friend only…. Hmmmm. What to do? What to do?
Saturday was a lazy day, I woke up went to the market got myself some wanton mee and did what I normally do, which is watched cartoons. Nothing better than watching Kim Possible save the day on a Saturday. Apparently mum didn’t make lunch so I skipped lunch. I watched a French movie which I got on DVD. Must say it was quite a good movie. Thank God for subtitles, it was a martial arts action flick called B13. Recommend to all those who buys pirated DVD’s. I and Dad had an argument when I said I didn’t want to go to church. I didn’t really feel like going.
Sunday I woke up at about 7, got myself freshen up headed to KLCC for a nice peaceful breakfast. I had my favorite Caramel Cappuccino and a some chicken pie for breakfast. It was nice to seat down with a news paper while slurping your coffee. After breakfast I headed to St Joseph’s church not for mass but for the blood donation. As you can say I’m kind of a rare blood type I was taken care of quite well. While the nurse preps me she tells to the other nurse. ‘–B kena ambik 3 bottle ah, dulu ambik satu aje’. M twisted mind began laughing out loud. I was thinking how the nurse was actually milking the cow, which is me. Mum made her usual feast back at home, then it was chores and CSI Sunday
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The English Patient, Body Shop and Me

Last weekend I woke up at 10 in the morning made myself a nice BIG breakfast. I made sausages, cheese eggs and burnt toast (on purpose). After making that I was in front of the TV watching my favorite cartoons. I decided to make use the meat that was lying n the fridge. I decided to make wanton, it wasn’t really hard just folding the wanton’s were the problem while preparing, I put in the English Patient DVD. I think we all have heard about the movie. A great love story that won 9 Oscar awards back in 1996. The movie was actually quite interesting; it’s not for those who are still in the adolescent stage who their favorite genre is toilet jokes and action flicks. The movie stars Ralph Fiennes and Kristen Scott Thomas. Beware that the story line is a little draggy by the context of it all was excellent. I give it 4 stars for excellent script writing, story line and the heat of passion between Ralph Fiennes and Kirsten Scott. For those who have seen it please do comment about it in my blog. Thank you.
Andrew came back while I was doing wanton. He was a hungry ghost so I fried the wanton and we had lunch together. He soon later headed to the room for a lil study. All of my brothers are getting ready for their major exams. Andrew is getting ready for PMR which is on the Oct 3rd and Alex, his STPM trials this week. Those guys will definitely do better than me, I’m very certain of it; they are destined for great and better things. I feel a lil jealous sometimes.
One of my gal pals introduced me to body scrub from Body shop and I used it and I must say it felt good. Oh God I sound gay, but nevertheless being a metro sexual man it’s expected off. I was glued to the TV again for AE05. It was held in the Putra Stadium at Bukit Jalil, they even had a Red Carpet session which was a laughing stock. Its not often you see your celebrity come in Waja in it. The show as actually quite good but I do have to criticize on the stage being small and the camera kept showing from a far distance. Other than that all of it was splendid, I enjoyed the show the acts well mention is Ziana Zain’s opening and Siti’s performance of course.
Sunday was Aunt B’s birthday and we all headed to Klang to celebrate it. I got her the Codex which I think she will enjoy
Friday, September 16, 2005

Did anyone catch Ed this week? The Episode was about the loving married couple, the husband was asking his wife for 24 hours of freedom to do ANYTHING he wanted to do for his birthday. The wife agrees under the condition that Ed tells her everything he did that night. Ed was reluctant of the whole idea as it crossed his principles and mine I guess. I time and time again said in this blog I have no clue why married men or steady boy friends stray from their partner. I could never understand the reason, when they had this episode I thought finally maybe now I can understand why?
So the story goes that the man hangs on to a bar try to pick up a gal he doesn’t manage till later in the night where he meets one of his clients. Ed tries to talk him out of it but you know men, always following their dicks then their brain. The next day the guy comes over and is smug about it but he then pleads to Ed not to tell his wife about the sex he had the previous night. Ed is like me, no you got to tell, but most of the time I’m tighted lipped as my consequences would just ruin everything. Ed tells the wife and she accepts it, when Ed asked her how she could feel that way she replies it’s a small sacrifice she needs to pay for to beautiful 25 years. I taught that was bullshit. So I’m back to square one why men stray.
On another note I think Marina is having cold feet about her wedding. The woman seems to be in her own world. I worry sometimes about her. Yesterday night I spent an hour long talking to a girl. It’s been a while since Mark talked to a girl… if you know what I mean. This time around I really one to take it slow. My last relationship was more like crash and burn. I don’t want to jinx it or anything. Lets just see how it goes….
Aunt B birthday is this weekend and I’ll beheading over to Klang on Sunday. I’ve been told that there is a killer menu waiting for me. The long awaited honey roasted chicken waits for me…. hahaha.
Emotional Note: To my friends that I have lost touch with over these couple of months. I pray for you. For peace, and health.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Diary: Ponggal Day
Weekend my mum had her annual ‘ponggal’ function. This year there was a less crowded as most of them were headed to the Divine Mercy’s Church in Shah Alam. It was the official opening of the church, as you would have read it in the papers it was a miracle church. It took so long to build as the government weren’t to keen to have a church in the Selangor district as big as the mosque. When the church had legal issue I then found out the inter-working of the Malaysian church. I didn’t know that the Catholic Church had a Legal department which consists of very educated lawyer priests. They handled the case and ‘with Gods Grace’ they won it.
Back to my mums ponggal thing we all woke up at 7.30am with my annoying dad giving commands. Arrggghh the nerve of the man. He always panics or gets too excited which leads to everybody’s nerve. There wasn’t much to do, we cleaned the house and got ready for the visitors. Mum was preparing lunch, vegetarian dishes. She made potatoes dried curry, brinjal chutney, tomato chutney and sambar. Aunt Daisy, Mama and Mum manned the ponggal pot till I was needed to stir the whole ponggal pot. I took turns with Gerard in doing that. Prayers was said, it was cute to see lil Michael say the Our Father as he held a Tamil song sheet as though he was reading from it. The boy really is smart, some how or rather he made me put in the Kim Possible movie and he ardently watched.
I didn’t follow mum and dad to Lady of Good Health Church. I decided to stay back have the whole home to myself. Mark needed to pamper himself. I took a nice long bath. Got my gear out, Body Shop equipment and relaxed. I headed for mass later all refreshed. Weird to see Sentul parishioners in St John with their bf. Why want to hide? Headed home to watch the VMA on MTV. Must say Diddy does have some class. I enjoyed the set and to see Mc Hammer doing can’t touch this again… Memories. And Above all I love the VMA orchestra B.I.G. song.
Sunday I woke up early headed to KLCC to get some stuff. Was so tempted to get some books from Kinokuniya and some CD’s. Been meaning to get James Blunt, Jem, and John Legends CD. I didn’t of course. I took my Sunday nap and did my chores. I baked chicken for Monday’s lunch and it was CSI galore form 9-12
Back to my mums ponggal thing we all woke up at 7.30am with my annoying dad giving commands. Arrggghh the nerve of the man. He always panics or gets too excited which leads to everybody’s nerve. There wasn’t much to do, we cleaned the house and got ready for the visitors. Mum was preparing lunch, vegetarian dishes. She made potatoes dried curry, brinjal chutney, tomato chutney and sambar. Aunt Daisy, Mama and Mum manned the ponggal pot till I was needed to stir the whole ponggal pot. I took turns with Gerard in doing that. Prayers was said, it was cute to see lil Michael say the Our Father as he held a Tamil song sheet as though he was reading from it. The boy really is smart, some how or rather he made me put in the Kim Possible movie and he ardently watched.
I didn’t follow mum and dad to Lady of Good Health Church. I decided to stay back have the whole home to myself. Mark needed to pamper himself. I took a nice long bath. Got my gear out, Body Shop equipment and relaxed. I headed for mass later all refreshed. Weird to see Sentul parishioners in St John with their bf. Why want to hide? Headed home to watch the VMA on MTV. Must say Diddy does have some class. I enjoyed the set and to see Mc Hammer doing can’t touch this again… Memories. And Above all I love the VMA orchestra B.I.G. song.
Sunday I woke up early headed to KLCC to get some stuff. Was so tempted to get some books from Kinokuniya and some CD’s. Been meaning to get James Blunt, Jem, and John Legends CD. I didn’t of course. I took my Sunday nap and did my chores. I baked chicken for Monday’s lunch and it was CSI galore form 9-12
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Diary: Mind of A screw up person
I am not sure what has happened to me at a whole. After my break up with Sharon my life has revolved around my work. I’m definitely over Sharon before you lot can judge me. I guess the break up made me where I am right now, a workaholic just like my dad. Wonder if the same thing happened to my dad as well. After Sharon I had 2 flings I guess. Nothing passed the 3 month mark. I guess my heart wasn’t really in it. But over the last couple of months I kind of been very reclusive. Why I’m not sure. I have shunned out the whole lot of people I know. Not wanting to meet them. One of them is Melman, he wants to meet up but I seem to come up with excuses like work or I’m just too busy. But when he calls I am actually busy with work. I’ve changed allot in a couple of months as I need to change my financial structure. I want things of my own and I need to work it out. I must say I’ve had a very care free life and its time I be a lil more responsible, which means skimming any unnecessary items (disco, wining and dining). From my end this is hard as this means cutting back 80% of my usual lifestyle which I must say is quite hard for me.
I am not sure what has happened to me at a whole.
My current lifestyle is quite bland but I seem to find serenity in it. My lifestyle now is cooking, reading and watching DVD’s. Now if I want to have Italian I will just have to make my own. Sad but true… Why am I saying all this? Because I’m too chicken to tell anyone face out. Pride is involved nor do I want anyone asking me questions like what is your expenditure that you need to make such a drastic change. I’m not actually inclined to explain anything (being reclusive here.). I know I’m mad but that’s how I am right now. I might not change. I know being like this will just make me feel friendless and lonely but part of me likes the serenity the quietness of it all. No more running around sleepless nights, hanging out in packed clubs.
I am not sure what has happened to me at a whole.
My current lifestyle is quite bland but I seem to find serenity in it. My lifestyle now is cooking, reading and watching DVD’s. Now if I want to have Italian I will just have to make my own. Sad but true… Why am I saying all this? Because I’m too chicken to tell anyone face out. Pride is involved nor do I want anyone asking me questions like what is your expenditure that you need to make such a drastic change. I’m not actually inclined to explain anything (being reclusive here.). I know I’m mad but that’s how I am right now. I might not change. I know being like this will just make me feel friendless and lonely but part of me likes the serenity the quietness of it all. No more running around sleepless nights, hanging out in packed clubs.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Merdeka Day

Sometime I wonder, was in worth it our independence? What would it be like under the imperial rule of British? I think it would have turned out great. Why do I say that? Good example, look at Hong Kong. The place now is so modern that most countries look up to it. Can you imagine what it would be like if Malaysia was still under the British ruling? I’m not saying we aren’t good or we lack behind. I think under the British rule there would be uniformity. Something that I would like to see happen in Malaysia. Equal opportunity given to all but that of course is asking too much. When will we have a PM who is not Malay? I do not like politics as it is a sensitive subject and I would like to play ignorant as it doesn’t affect my life. But sometimes questions like this do pop in to my head. I’m afraid to talk more as what I may type maybe able to get me caught under the ISA act. But please do Ponder what does MERDEKA mean to you?
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Diary: Movie Escapade

Friday was wonderful; it was when I was given my new BIG task. I was to handle the opening of our Bangladesh office, content wise only. I need to set up the basic equipment and content by 31 August 2005. I sure hope I don’t have to work on that day. Zaki is currently the Project Manager (PM) and as expected it is a last minute deal. I left early on Friday as I just wanted to sleep. On my way back I made a call to Aunt B we talked about stuff, just sharing and all. I stopped by Pasar Malam to get nasi goreng ayam but the shop was closed so I got popiah for dinner. At home I persuaded dad to watch Hostage starring Bruce Willis. It was a great movie I recommend to all those who like action flicks. I stayed up late watching lil TV
Saturday I was rudely awoken by my dad who was having a fit with Andrew as he couldn’t find his Taekwondo’s Uniform. My dad is such ticking time bombs no wonder no one ever talks to him. Aunt B said its my mums fault she be able to reach him, but hey people can only do so much. Kelvin has gone through another break up; poor boy under the cover of pride is hurting. Love hurts. As my dad woke the whole lot of us at 7 in the morning mum made breakfast and I was in front of the TV watching my cartoons. I was to meet up Shari later for lunch and a movie. We were to watch Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. One of my classic favorites, I remember seeing that in the theater with my mum and dad. What made me want to watch it more was actually because Tim Burton directed it, I think he has a real wild imagination and it comes out perfectly on the screen. Catch Big Fish on HBO and you will know what I mean.
After the movie I headed to Sg Wang to get some DVD’s. I got a couple of nice movie. I got Sin City, I know real old but I wanted to see what the hype was about. I also got Crush (All great Casting) and Eddie Griffin movie and my favorite Kim Possible The Movie. I was suppose to meet Mel but I had to cancel as Mum called me to help her do something for church. By 5 I was home took my bath and was out to church. I took advantage of attending mass. I had a sense of clarity when I entered mass. I knew what I had to do about my problem. But I did feel sad as there was something missing. I piece of a jigsaw missing kind of feeling. After mass mum asked me to sponsor KFC and I did and we had that for dinner. Watched another DVD, Eddie griffin one and slept at one.Sunday I woke up real late watched my Kim Possible on TV helped mum make Black Pepper Mutton with Nasi Briyani. Did my weekly chores, took my compulsory Sunday afternoon nap and the day was done.
*P/S: The Pic beside was done by my lil sis Marina. Its me and Siti. I know I hear you guys vomiting but my love to Siti grows strong :P
Friday, August 26, 2005
Diary: The Talk
Work has been quite hectic but nothing really much to complain. Kevin was again bugging with his Maxis content and what not. I tuned him out and got the others done. Its sad that my department that I have has a backstabber among us. My company now is quite big but anything that goes on Mark will know. This person was stupid enough to bad mouth me to one of my peeps. Told on me to my operations manager. Luckily there was no truth to it so now how do I weed out this person. Office politics……
I had a rude awakening about ladies giving birth and what happens to the ‘PART’ when they go to labor. Hasmida is in her 1st trimester I think and she gave us an sight of how things happen in HBKL which lead how a child is born. Do you know the ‘PART’ can be ruptured? GOD I know I’ll stop now but Damm I’m lucky I’m a guy. Selfish but lucky in anyway. I’ve always respected woman highly and after Hasmida’s talk will I’ll say I’ve put you ladies waaaay top. Hats off to you.
I had a rude awakening about ladies giving birth and what happens to the ‘PART’ when they go to labor. Hasmida is in her 1st trimester I think and she gave us an sight of how things happen in HBKL which lead how a child is born. Do you know the ‘PART’ can be ruptured? GOD I know I’ll stop now but Damm I’m lucky I’m a guy. Selfish but lucky in anyway. I’ve always respected woman highly and after Hasmida’s talk will I’ll say I’ve put you ladies waaaay top. Hats off to you.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
State of Confusion
‘Men are BASTARDS.’ Yes you heard me say it. The saying above I have heard most of my lady friends say. To my respond to that statement ‘Yes they are’. I can’t deny the fact that most men give a bad name to their gender. Nor am I saying that the opposite is sacred, pure and holy. Both with flaws which we can have a never ending bitch about. I have loads of single lady friends between the late 20 early 30’s. I find this group of ladies much easier to talk to, mature and do not live under any pretenses. Their only problem is that they are not married and their biological clock is ticking. Some maybe are in a relationship and their boyfriends are too afraid to plunge into Marriage or still fooling around. I think I understand who these women feel. They don’t have any stability.
These women have only one thing in mind. How/When are we going to settle down? Have a family. As they go through life in and out of relationship or get their man to plunge, they begin to think that they don’t need the man. Men are useless anyway; they say they can’t depend on them (see I’m not denying anything here). All the woman needs from a man is his sperm. From there she can take care of everything else. This has been in the thought of these women I have befriended with. Not a bad idea you think. There are so many single moms out there anyway. To be honest I have been coaxed to agree to give my sperm to this whom will not be named if she is not married at a certain age. The agreement is I give the sperm and I don’t take responsibility for the kid.
Before you pass judgment on me saying how disgusting Mark is, typical male! Please let me highlight that I was COAXED. A typical men given the choice to have sex with a lady with no string attach seems very appealing. Hey that’s a one night stand anyway. But to give a lady a child and not be a part of it disturbs me. You can say I brought up lil old school I would like to be with the person (Preferably loved and cherished) when she has the kid and be apart of the kids life. But why did I agree to proposal, because I thought she might be joking and she was in a relationship. It was a strong relationship which I was very sure it would end in marriage. Now she is no longer is in one and don’t believe in one no more. We chatted online the other day when she brought this issue back again.
She said, she no longer wants a relationship, all she wants is a baby and she is set for life. This made me afraid, guess who has to give the sperm I don’t really think I am up for it. I’m about to share something horrible here read the next paragraph if your goody too shoes I will not think any less of you. There is a part of me (the moral side of me) that says this is not good and all and there is another side of me the EVIL me (Always seen when totally drunk currently being suppressed) that says hey this is free unattached sex, you haven’t had much action recently and people you know are moving forward, getting married and what not while you stay alone and slog for the company. Besides your doing a friend a favour and it won’t hurt it in anyway. She asked u. As you can see my evil side has really have an ugly face.
I really don’t know what to do, yes its simple as saying follow your conscience its always right but the Evil me lives in me too its kind of hard not to listen to him. For now I will just let things be nor will I confront her till she confronts me. Let sleeping dogs lie.
These women have only one thing in mind. How/When are we going to settle down? Have a family. As they go through life in and out of relationship or get their man to plunge, they begin to think that they don’t need the man. Men are useless anyway; they say they can’t depend on them (see I’m not denying anything here). All the woman needs from a man is his sperm. From there she can take care of everything else. This has been in the thought of these women I have befriended with. Not a bad idea you think. There are so many single moms out there anyway. To be honest I have been coaxed to agree to give my sperm to this whom will not be named if she is not married at a certain age. The agreement is I give the sperm and I don’t take responsibility for the kid.
Before you pass judgment on me saying how disgusting Mark is, typical male! Please let me highlight that I was COAXED. A typical men given the choice to have sex with a lady with no string attach seems very appealing. Hey that’s a one night stand anyway. But to give a lady a child and not be a part of it disturbs me. You can say I brought up lil old school I would like to be with the person (Preferably loved and cherished) when she has the kid and be apart of the kids life. But why did I agree to proposal, because I thought she might be joking and she was in a relationship. It was a strong relationship which I was very sure it would end in marriage. Now she is no longer is in one and don’t believe in one no more. We chatted online the other day when she brought this issue back again.
She said, she no longer wants a relationship, all she wants is a baby and she is set for life. This made me afraid, guess who has to give the sperm I don’t really think I am up for it. I’m about to share something horrible here read the next paragraph if your goody too shoes I will not think any less of you. There is a part of me (the moral side of me) that says this is not good and all and there is another side of me the EVIL me (Always seen when totally drunk currently being suppressed) that says hey this is free unattached sex, you haven’t had much action recently and people you know are moving forward, getting married and what not while you stay alone and slog for the company. Besides your doing a friend a favour and it won’t hurt it in anyway. She asked u. As you can see my evil side has really have an ugly face.
I really don’t know what to do, yes its simple as saying follow your conscience its always right but the Evil me lives in me too its kind of hard not to listen to him. For now I will just let things be nor will I confront her till she confronts me. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Lil Treat
Hi Guys jus a lil treat for those who have the time check out this cute bears and topple them down.
Diary: Buzy As Hell
Work has been killing since my last entry. I’ve been staying back in the office till late night complying to the new Telco guidelines. The closed one of my short code which made my GM quite pissed off with me. There is only so much Mark can do but my GM and Directors did manage to unsuspended the line and make it work. Now there are so many red tape in the business now its making it hard for me to cheat the public. Hahahahaa. Well I’ll just have to think of other ways.
I had a splendid weekend, after working 7 days in a row I really knew what I wanted. SLEEP. I stayed up really late on Friday watching TV and Initial D on my DVD player then I went to bed only to wake up at 8.30 because of the buzzing of my phones. I shouldn’t have brought my test phones back arrggghhh…. I woke up to find an empty house. No parents, just brothers. I made French toast for breakfast for the kids as I sipped some Kenyon tea which I got from London. Love the taste of it. I did a lil reading and then it was TV time. I watched cartoon more cartoons. I was itching to get into the kitchen. Alex and Andrew were out doing their thing. There wasn’t much I could cook with. I wanted to make a roast chicken but I just couldn’t get the ingredients I needed. I just need to wait till end of the month till I go grocery shopping I guess. Thinking of old Mother Hubbard who had lil in her cupboard, all that was left was cans of soup, a can of spring water tuna and spaghetti. Well I already knew what was for lunch, Spaghetti again!!
I decided to experiment a lil, I wanted to make a spicy tuna with spaghetti. I made a call on mum to ask her how she does her sardine and I improvise with my recipe. I think I made a good spicy tuna mum said so anyway. I attended mass in the evening. It was a good mass, I enjoyed sermon something I really can relate too. Sunday I was really a pig. I got up headed to the market bought breakfast for me and Alex and I enjoyed more cartoons. I did ironing while watching more movies on the tele and later skipped lunch for a Sunday nap. I was rudely awoken by an office call and the rest was just a mellow day……
I had a splendid weekend, after working 7 days in a row I really knew what I wanted. SLEEP. I stayed up really late on Friday watching TV and Initial D on my DVD player then I went to bed only to wake up at 8.30 because of the buzzing of my phones. I shouldn’t have brought my test phones back arrggghhh…. I woke up to find an empty house. No parents, just brothers. I made French toast for breakfast for the kids as I sipped some Kenyon tea which I got from London. Love the taste of it. I did a lil reading and then it was TV time. I watched cartoon more cartoons. I was itching to get into the kitchen. Alex and Andrew were out doing their thing. There wasn’t much I could cook with. I wanted to make a roast chicken but I just couldn’t get the ingredients I needed. I just need to wait till end of the month till I go grocery shopping I guess. Thinking of old Mother Hubbard who had lil in her cupboard, all that was left was cans of soup, a can of spring water tuna and spaghetti. Well I already knew what was for lunch, Spaghetti again!!
I decided to experiment a lil, I wanted to make a spicy tuna with spaghetti. I made a call on mum to ask her how she does her sardine and I improvise with my recipe. I think I made a good spicy tuna mum said so anyway. I attended mass in the evening. It was a good mass, I enjoyed sermon something I really can relate too. Sunday I was really a pig. I got up headed to the market bought breakfast for me and Alex and I enjoyed more cartoons. I did ironing while watching more movies on the tele and later skipped lunch for a Sunday nap. I was rudely awoken by an office call and the rest was just a mellow day……
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Cerpen: Tsunami Cinta
Nama ku Ram,aku ingin berkongsi kisah cintaku. Sebuah cinta yang tidak kesampaian. Segalanya bermula semasa ku menaiki tren dari Kedah ke KLTujuanku ke KL adalah untuk menyambung pengajianku dan mencari rezeki di sana. Kelihatan tak ramai penumpang yang menaiki tren pada malam itu.Sebaik sahaja tren hendak memulakan perjalannya, seorang gadis bertudung duduk di depanku. 'Ayunya wajah gadis ini,detik hatiku?
Timbul satu perasaan yang lain dalam diriku. Gadis itu tersenyum kepadaku dan ku membalas. Niat di hati ingin bertanya siapakah gerangan si ayu ini. Aku memberanikan dia dan bertanya 'Hi ke KL juga ke?'. Dia menjawab dengan suara paling manis. Kami berkenalan namanya Wati sebaya dengan ku.
Dia pun sama macamku ingin ke KL untuk melanjutkan pelajaran. Perjalanan yang mengambil masa 6 jam dihabiskan dengan mengenali diri masing-masing. Dia anak tunggal dalam keluarganya. Anak emas katakan. Bercita-cinta nak jadi seorang usahawan wanita yang berjaya. Ku pula yang pertama dari 3 adik beradik. Saya bercita-cita hendak menjadi pengaturcara komputer. Wati akan tinggal bersama Pakciknya bila di KL
Ku bersama kawan yang berkerja di kota. Kami sampai di KL pada pukul 7 pagi. Kami mengucapkan selamat jalan dan kami ke arah masing-masing. Dalam hati nak ku tanya nombor telefonya tapi ku segan. Separuh jalan ku berhenti, ku menoleh ke belakang untuk mencari dia tapi dia tiada. Hati ku berdebar nak sangat ku berjumpa ngannya sekali lagi. Ku mencarinya di platform dia tiada. Ku cari lagi di station tapi besar sangat.
Tiada rezeki nampaknya ku melihatnya lagi. Ku beredar mencari kawan ku di KL. Masa depan ku menanti ku...
Setiap malam sebelum ku menyeberang ke alam mimpi fikiran ku kerap ke hari ku berjumpa ngan Wati. Lirikan matanya menjadi pujaanku. Di manakah dia? Suatu hari ku ke perpustakaan kolej terperanjat ku melihat Wati di sana. Dia tengah belajar berseorangan. Kali ini akan ku dapat nombor telefonnya
Hatiku berdebar bila ku menghampirinya. Kering pula tekak ku rasa. Cantik pula di hari ni, bertudung pink, serupa dia feminin. 'Hi' ku kata dia melihat ku and senyuman manis terukir di mukanya. "Eh kau pun belajar di sini tak sangka ya' ku tanya. 'Ah u pun ke' dia menjawab. Ku menjemputnya ke mamak di sebelah kolej untuk minum, dia menerima. Hari tu kami berborak kosong tapi ku berjaya mendapat nombor telefonnya
Mulalah hubungan kita erat. Berjumpa di kolej disiang dan ber-SMS waktu malam. Ku gembira bersamanya tapi ade yang dengki melihat kami bersama. Sudah sebulan berlepas ku mengenali Wati. Apa yang ku tahu, ku sentiasa ingin bersamanya. Bila ku lihat wajahnya hatiku berdebar. Yang ku tahu...
Aku mencintai Wati. Tapi bagaimana ku ingin meluahkan padanya. Takut pula cintaku di tolak. Teruk lagi kalau dia menolak persahabatan ku. Ku perah otak takde pula idea. Aku menanya kawan baik ku pendapatnya. Cheng kata aku gila nak lafaz cinta kat awek melayu. Habis di potong katanya. 'Hai di KL ramai seperti ku, U tak tengok Sepet ke' ku menjawab. 'Dalam Sepet hero dia mati U pun nak mati ke? Banyak masalah lah' jawab Cheng.
Ku berfikir mengapa ada yang sebegitu memanglah hubungan antara kaum susah sikit. Banyak cerita tentang hubungan dengan melayu pernah didengar. Dalam hati Wati adalah untuk ku. Ku perlu memberanikan diri, tabahkan hati kerana besok akan ku melafazkan cintaku pada Wati. Ahh... gementarnya
Keesokan harinya aku berjumpa Wati di kolej. Aku memberitahunya supaya menunggu ku selepas kelas terakhir. Ada hal hal penting ingin ku beritahu. Sepanjang hari aku tak dapat tumpukan perhatian ku asyik ingat pasal petang nanti. Beranikah ku, Hai apa nak aku katakan, I Love You? Runsing !!!
Petang menjelma dan Wati menunggu ku di depan kolej. Menanti ku dengan senyuman yang dapat mencairkan hati. Aku menyuruhnya ikut ku ke Pizza Hut. Aku mendapat tempat paling jauh dari semua pelanggan Wati menanya mengapa duduk jauh sangat. Ku hanya ujar 'Adelah'. Masanya sudah tiba 'Wati...
'Wati I nak bagi tahu U sesuatu, I cintakan padmu. Sudah lama ku pendamkan perasaan ini. Kamu sudi menerima ku?' dah aku melafazkannya lega rasanya. Wati berdiamkan diri setelah aku melafazkan cinta ku. Cemas rasanya pula, sudahkah ku lukakan hatinya. Terus ku meminta maaf keatas salah silap ku. Wati dengan lembutnya bercakap 'I pun sebenarnya suka kat U tak tahu cam mana nak beritahu. I orang kampung tak pandai nak berkata. Awak fikir boleh ke hubungan kita berkekalan. Kita berbangsa lain macam tak padan aje', mendengar penjelasnya aku pula menjawab 'Kamu risaukan... orang yang melihat kita atau keluarga mengetahui pasal kita.' Wati memberitahu dia takut diketahui keluarganya terutamanya Pakciknya di KL
Aku hanya dapat memujuknya tapi dalam hatiku pun takut jika keluarga ku mengetahui pasal ku and Wati. Wati dan aku semakin erat setelah cinta kita dilafazkan. Setiap hari kita berjumpa, bermanja dan berpengang tangan. Kami saling cinta mencintai. Bila kita bersama ramai juga yang melihat kami tapi kami endahkan aja. Wati kadang2 risau jikau ada mata beritahu hubugan kita kepada pakciknya
Tapi sampai mana kita dapat menyembunyikan cinta kita. Sepandai mana tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. Cinta kita diketahui Pakciknya. Pakciknya amat marah bila ketahui Wati ade teman lelaki. Kemarahnya marak lagi bila dia tahu ia bersama seorang budak India. Wati mencuba menjelaskan padanya tapi semuanya tidak dipedulikan.
Wati tak hadir ke kolej beberapa hari malah telefon bimbitnya tak dapatku hubungi. Aku cemas patutkah aku ke rumahnya untuk menjumpanya. Takut pulak pakciknya. Apa patu ku buat. Aku ke rumah Wati nasib waktu itu dia keseorangan. Wati bercerita pakciknya nak dia hentikan perhubungan dia. Pakciknya juga ingin dia bertunang dengan anak lelakinya. Patah hatiku mendengarnya. Wati merayu supaya aku membawanya ke tempat lain. Tapi dimana akan ku bawanya pergi. *Bersambung...*
Timbul satu perasaan yang lain dalam diriku. Gadis itu tersenyum kepadaku dan ku membalas. Niat di hati ingin bertanya siapakah gerangan si ayu ini. Aku memberanikan dia dan bertanya 'Hi ke KL juga ke?'. Dia menjawab dengan suara paling manis. Kami berkenalan namanya Wati sebaya dengan ku.
Dia pun sama macamku ingin ke KL untuk melanjutkan pelajaran. Perjalanan yang mengambil masa 6 jam dihabiskan dengan mengenali diri masing-masing. Dia anak tunggal dalam keluarganya. Anak emas katakan. Bercita-cinta nak jadi seorang usahawan wanita yang berjaya. Ku pula yang pertama dari 3 adik beradik. Saya bercita-cita hendak menjadi pengaturcara komputer. Wati akan tinggal bersama Pakciknya bila di KL
Ku bersama kawan yang berkerja di kota. Kami sampai di KL pada pukul 7 pagi. Kami mengucapkan selamat jalan dan kami ke arah masing-masing. Dalam hati nak ku tanya nombor telefonya tapi ku segan. Separuh jalan ku berhenti, ku menoleh ke belakang untuk mencari dia tapi dia tiada. Hati ku berdebar nak sangat ku berjumpa ngannya sekali lagi. Ku mencarinya di platform dia tiada. Ku cari lagi di station tapi besar sangat.
Tiada rezeki nampaknya ku melihatnya lagi. Ku beredar mencari kawan ku di KL. Masa depan ku menanti ku...
Setiap malam sebelum ku menyeberang ke alam mimpi fikiran ku kerap ke hari ku berjumpa ngan Wati. Lirikan matanya menjadi pujaanku. Di manakah dia? Suatu hari ku ke perpustakaan kolej terperanjat ku melihat Wati di sana. Dia tengah belajar berseorangan. Kali ini akan ku dapat nombor telefonnya
Hatiku berdebar bila ku menghampirinya. Kering pula tekak ku rasa. Cantik pula di hari ni, bertudung pink, serupa dia feminin. 'Hi' ku kata dia melihat ku and senyuman manis terukir di mukanya. "Eh kau pun belajar di sini tak sangka ya' ku tanya. 'Ah u pun ke' dia menjawab. Ku menjemputnya ke mamak di sebelah kolej untuk minum, dia menerima. Hari tu kami berborak kosong tapi ku berjaya mendapat nombor telefonnya
Mulalah hubungan kita erat. Berjumpa di kolej disiang dan ber-SMS waktu malam. Ku gembira bersamanya tapi ade yang dengki melihat kami bersama. Sudah sebulan berlepas ku mengenali Wati. Apa yang ku tahu, ku sentiasa ingin bersamanya. Bila ku lihat wajahnya hatiku berdebar. Yang ku tahu...
Aku mencintai Wati. Tapi bagaimana ku ingin meluahkan padanya. Takut pula cintaku di tolak. Teruk lagi kalau dia menolak persahabatan ku. Ku perah otak takde pula idea. Aku menanya kawan baik ku pendapatnya. Cheng kata aku gila nak lafaz cinta kat awek melayu. Habis di potong katanya. 'Hai di KL ramai seperti ku, U tak tengok Sepet ke' ku menjawab. 'Dalam Sepet hero dia mati U pun nak mati ke? Banyak masalah lah' jawab Cheng.
Ku berfikir mengapa ada yang sebegitu memanglah hubungan antara kaum susah sikit. Banyak cerita tentang hubungan dengan melayu pernah didengar. Dalam hati Wati adalah untuk ku. Ku perlu memberanikan diri, tabahkan hati kerana besok akan ku melafazkan cintaku pada Wati. Ahh... gementarnya
Keesokan harinya aku berjumpa Wati di kolej. Aku memberitahunya supaya menunggu ku selepas kelas terakhir. Ada hal hal penting ingin ku beritahu. Sepanjang hari aku tak dapat tumpukan perhatian ku asyik ingat pasal petang nanti. Beranikah ku, Hai apa nak aku katakan, I Love You? Runsing !!!
Petang menjelma dan Wati menunggu ku di depan kolej. Menanti ku dengan senyuman yang dapat mencairkan hati. Aku menyuruhnya ikut ku ke Pizza Hut. Aku mendapat tempat paling jauh dari semua pelanggan Wati menanya mengapa duduk jauh sangat. Ku hanya ujar 'Adelah'. Masanya sudah tiba 'Wati...
'Wati I nak bagi tahu U sesuatu, I cintakan padmu. Sudah lama ku pendamkan perasaan ini. Kamu sudi menerima ku?' dah aku melafazkannya lega rasanya. Wati berdiamkan diri setelah aku melafazkan cinta ku. Cemas rasanya pula, sudahkah ku lukakan hatinya. Terus ku meminta maaf keatas salah silap ku. Wati dengan lembutnya bercakap 'I pun sebenarnya suka kat U tak tahu cam mana nak beritahu. I orang kampung tak pandai nak berkata. Awak fikir boleh ke hubungan kita berkekalan. Kita berbangsa lain macam tak padan aje', mendengar penjelasnya aku pula menjawab 'Kamu risaukan... orang yang melihat kita atau keluarga mengetahui pasal kita.' Wati memberitahu dia takut diketahui keluarganya terutamanya Pakciknya di KL
Aku hanya dapat memujuknya tapi dalam hatiku pun takut jika keluarga ku mengetahui pasal ku and Wati. Wati dan aku semakin erat setelah cinta kita dilafazkan. Setiap hari kita berjumpa, bermanja dan berpengang tangan. Kami saling cinta mencintai. Bila kita bersama ramai juga yang melihat kami tapi kami endahkan aja. Wati kadang2 risau jikau ada mata beritahu hubugan kita kepada pakciknya
Tapi sampai mana kita dapat menyembunyikan cinta kita. Sepandai mana tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. Cinta kita diketahui Pakciknya. Pakciknya amat marah bila ketahui Wati ade teman lelaki. Kemarahnya marak lagi bila dia tahu ia bersama seorang budak India. Wati mencuba menjelaskan padanya tapi semuanya tidak dipedulikan.
Wati tak hadir ke kolej beberapa hari malah telefon bimbitnya tak dapatku hubungi. Aku cemas patutkah aku ke rumahnya untuk menjumpanya. Takut pulak pakciknya. Apa patu ku buat. Aku ke rumah Wati nasib waktu itu dia keseorangan. Wati bercerita pakciknya nak dia hentikan perhubungan dia. Pakciknya juga ingin dia bertunang dengan anak lelakinya. Patah hatiku mendengarnya. Wati merayu supaya aku membawanya ke tempat lain. Tapi dimana akan ku bawanya pergi. *Bersambung...*
Diary: Friday's Tension, Saturdays works....
The haze seems to have clerared up a bit thanks to the heavy rain that night. Work has been extremely busy with new laws being implemented by the Telco's. Thanks to the shady content providers who charge their users secretly and run their bills. Telco has come up with certain rules that all content providers needs to comply immediatly by this monday. I'll have to come in on Saturdays to finish up with testing. I will be dragging the whole team for it but we plan to meet at Chillis for a nice hot meal than slogg the night away. Arrggghh...
Tommorow apparently I will have to go to Klang for my aunts birthday. GREAT. I wanted to spend a lazy weekend at home not go top a Haze infested place. I'll have to cancel on Shari as we planned to meet up. Well as a compensation I'm goin to tell you what I bought you from London, a Paddigton Bear/keychain. Not a small wan nor not a big one. Sorry...
I'm heading back to work now play time is over
Tommorow apparently I will have to go to Klang for my aunts birthday. GREAT. I wanted to spend a lazy weekend at home not go top a Haze infested place. I'll have to cancel on Shari as we planned to meet up. Well as a compensation I'm goin to tell you what I bought you from London, a Paddigton Bear/keychain. Not a small wan nor not a big one. Sorry...
I'm heading back to work now play time is over
Friday, August 12, 2005
Diary: Hazy Days
I hate Indonesians NOW. Due to their open burning we are suffering its not the first time this has happened. Why isn't our government doing something about this predicament, bring Indonesia to the International court and sue their sorry ass off. Its ridiculous. I doubt Indonesian people are taking responsibility for their own acts. My brothers are on leave due to the haze do wish my office would close as well but AKN Mtech works 24/7. My company had the audacity to give the following speech '.... as you know the quality of air is detoriating and if the government declares "daurat" i still hope you can come to work as AKN will still be open. We appreciate your hardwork'. My boss now sounds like Rick Gervais from The Office.
Marina is quite excited about her wedding in January. She is planning up her wedding. Where to have it? The color cordination. Tempat pelamain abnd what not. I cant but feel so happy for her. I really wish her all the best. Jay (Marina's fiance) is luckyu to have such an understanding person like her. I had lunch with her today. I made chicken mushroom soup with garlic bread and she had noodles, we sat in the pantry and we talked.
Kanchana has been surprisingly been nice to me. Lenny has told me to stay away as he said I would get hurt. Yeah I would definately crash and burn but I honestly have to say that Miss Malaysian Indian 2004 is quite hot. Hmm I am a sucker..... I have been asked to write a a love 'cerpen' by the company for a new service. Its back to high school again. I love writing, dont really think I'm that good but I just love writing. I finished a Part 1 interacial love story (ala SEPET) which I will post on the bloog as soon as I have the time. The story quite jiwang a bit would make you.... geli geliman. Hahahaha.
Marina is quite excited about her wedding in January. She is planning up her wedding. Where to have it? The color cordination. Tempat pelamain abnd what not. I cant but feel so happy for her. I really wish her all the best. Jay (Marina's fiance) is luckyu to have such an understanding person like her. I had lunch with her today. I made chicken mushroom soup with garlic bread and she had noodles, we sat in the pantry and we talked.
Kanchana has been surprisingly been nice to me. Lenny has told me to stay away as he said I would get hurt. Yeah I would definately crash and burn but I honestly have to say that Miss Malaysian Indian 2004 is quite hot. Hmm I am a sucker..... I have been asked to write a a love 'cerpen' by the company for a new service. Its back to high school again. I love writing, dont really think I'm that good but I just love writing. I finished a Part 1 interacial love story (ala SEPET) which I will post on the bloog as soon as I have the time. The story quite jiwang a bit would make you.... geli geliman. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
James Blunt - You're Beautiful

When I was in London this guy rained the chart with the song title above. He wrote it about his ex. I love the poetry of the song if you have the chance to hear it yu must. For those who has the broadband services look at this video clip
James Blunt - You're Beautiful Lyrics
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure. S
he smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a momentthat will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel
With a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Sunday: Gone Potter and Organised
I woke up at 10 headed to KLCC to pick my books that I ordered for work. Headed to SFC for breakfast and to begin with my Harry Potter book. Yes, Yes I know I'm a lilttle back dated but I was on vacation for 2 weeks I'm adjusting myself. I headed home later after a quick nip to Citibank. No one was at home so I took the liberty of watching a DVD, I watched 7 seconds starring Wesly Snipes which was a good movie. I recommend it, I think its great. Took a short nap did my ironing and the folded my clothes. Good weekend spent.
Saturday: Ban The Bomb

Today I woke up at 6. Wasnt really up for it especially on a Saturday. Today I would attend my 1st demonstartion to BAN THE BOMB. I was suppose to meet Lester and his group of activist but was surprised to meet 2 girls who werent actually interested in the walk anyway. I felt so left out in the sense that I hadfnothing to say. Lester tried to incude me in the conversation but hey it was his friends with their stories. I just listened. After the demonstration we headed to La Bodega for breakfast, I'm up with classy places but this placed was just ridiculous. The price was quite steep 4 of us had breakfast and the bill was like RMXXX. I & Lester had pancakes with maple syrup, the girls has a creape and some English breakfast.
After breakfast I parted ways and waited for Kelvin to pick me up. We headed up to Sg Wang for a lil shopping. I got some DVD's for myself. Kelvin got the DVD set for Desprate Housewife season one for his girl friend. I meet up with Chinjoo in Sg Wang and we headed to Dome for lunch, Mel meet up with us and began drinking. Nick later joined and invited us to Thai club. Oh Boy Thai club here we go again.... I spilt beer on Chinjoo by accident as i was passing the photos. I felt ashamed, clutz I am. After a lil walking and Kelvin & I headed back home. I took a short nap woke up refreshed took my bath and got ready for the night life.
There was actually nothing much I missed. Thai club was still like it wass crowded fullof chinese people who couldnt dance. I dance the night away...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Back To Work
Arrgghh I so want to stay in London and not come back at all. But reality kicks me behind my arse and I'm back to my monotonus life in AKN Mtech. It was really hard getting back into the saddle as I really was in a holiday mood. 1st day of work I practically did nothing but acces what really happened while I was away. Lenny threathend to resign because of the overload of work which was pushed to him. Thank God Lester calmed him down and has decided to stay. Loads of new faces in the office and I have forgotten some of my collegues name. Bad in it. The pic below8 was taken at King Cross station where they did the scene Platform 9 3/4 u can also see the bridge that they walked on as well. Damm how I miss London
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I'm Back

I’m back. I had the best 2 week vacation one could have. I can honestly say that I’m well rested and I have a peace of mind. But I surely miss London and would love to stay there all my life. It such a peaceful quite place, but hang on you might be thinking of the bombings that have happen in London there would be chaos but NOPE no such thing. People go on with their lives taking the public transport and moving on with life. I guess the highlight of my trip would be watching Phantom of the Opera in ‘Her Majesty’s Theater’ with my aunt. It was out of this world. I was amazed/speechless. I got loads of photos to keep in memory. I obviously cant post them on my blog. Those wanna see it please do see me, we’ll hook up.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Greetings From UK
Hi Guys,
Been having a wondeful time here in London. My trip on the MAS airline was at most comfortable and teh air stewardess was very beautiful as expected. Will get a photo of them when i come back from London. The weather here has been excelent beaitiful Sunny skys with cool breeze. My aunts place is excellent, its located in Purley, East Crydon. Its a typical English house with a beautiful garden and a small pond. The back garden has such an active wild life. I've so far seen a squirrel, a woodpecker, 2 foxes and a lil small field mouse.
I've been doing tourist stuff for the pass 3 days, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly circus, the SOHO and few other places. Taken loads of pictures. I will keep in touch with you as I need to check my mail. To all of you reading tis take care and GOD bless.
Been having a wondeful time here in London. My trip on the MAS airline was at most comfortable and teh air stewardess was very beautiful as expected. Will get a photo of them when i come back from London. The weather here has been excelent beaitiful Sunny skys with cool breeze. My aunts place is excellent, its located in Purley, East Crydon. Its a typical English house with a beautiful garden and a small pond. The back garden has such an active wild life. I've so far seen a squirrel, a woodpecker, 2 foxes and a lil small field mouse.
I've been doing tourist stuff for the pass 3 days, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly circus, the SOHO and few other places. Taken loads of pictures. I will keep in touch with you as I need to check my mail. To all of you reading tis take care and GOD bless.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Diary: July 12 & 13
Nothing really much happen on these both days except for the fact taht the mamak restaurant that we normally go to for lunch had a 5 year anniversay celebration. We had free nasi briyani rice with ayam masak merah. Quite nice. One of my staff is resigning. Its really short notice for me to hire a new personell by the time I leave to London. Cavell wants to leave before the 1st of August. I really have to pull some strings here. I'm not sure what to do. My boss Hkng doesnt want her to leave in this short notice but to have the full 1 month notification. I'll have to talk to HR soon.
The days to London seem to creep clooser. I've done my packing but I just need to get a new bag pack for myself as my current one is quite tattered. I'll try to blog if i can when i'm in London, doubt it though.... hehehe
The days to London seem to creep clooser. I've done my packing but I just need to get a new bag pack for myself as my current one is quite tattered. I'll try to blog if i can when i'm in London, doubt it though.... hehehe
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Redeption Songs
I've been listening to Bob Marley songs recently, as I find its real relaxing.. Since the bomb blast and everything else I've been real linked to this song
Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Ooh! Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -All I ever had:
Redemption songs:These songs of freedom
,Songs of freedom.
Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Ooh! Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -All I ever had:
Redemption songs:These songs of freedom
,Songs of freedom.
Diary:July 11th Monday Meetings
Monday... another 3 more days to London. Yeah ! ! !. Meeting day today luckily nothing much from myside to do so it was relaxing. Kevin took us to Flyers for lunch where I had Nasi Pataya. He wanted to treat us lunch as we did a good job for the Maxis Sports Zone and 3G project. I've already handed this to Lenny and now its under his care. We had a meeting with Sb Lim where he talked about the reporting which made me feel sleepy.
I was a lilttle pissed of with Lenny as he kept saying that I'll be coming back in an urn. How unconsiderate can he be. I'm not sure whats up but its just straight up annoying. Later we had a meeting with the Add agency and hey showed us some TV comercials that we were going to do. It wasn't really up to my standard but apparently they will be on RTM and TV3 soon.
I had tea with Logen, Lenny, Auyong, Leng and Azis we talked about our new operation manager who aprreently is such a big ass/jerk/jackass. After tea Lenny dropped me off at Bangsar staion. I got 2 sms One from Jasmine and another from Shari. I missed hanging out with u Shari. Will celbrate your birthday when i come back yeah.
I was a lilttle pissed of with Lenny as he kept saying that I'll be coming back in an urn. How unconsiderate can he be. I'm not sure whats up but its just straight up annoying. Later we had a meeting with the Add agency and hey showed us some TV comercials that we were going to do. It wasn't really up to my standard but apparently they will be on RTM and TV3 soon.
I had tea with Logen, Lenny, Auyong, Leng and Azis we talked about our new operation manager who aprreently is such a big ass/jerk/jackass. After tea Lenny dropped me off at Bangsar staion. I got 2 sms One from Jasmine and another from Shari. I missed hanging out with u Shari. Will celbrate your birthday when i come back yeah.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Diary: Weekend Happenings
Friday - Emotional Breakdown
The day after the bomb blast, everyone tell me not to go to London and stay back and cancel my leave. I think only Marina meant it. My line was barred and I could not reply all the sms sent to me telling me not to go some even asked me to ready my will before I leave. Everybody who said that wanted me to leave them something, free loaders get your own stuff. I was suppose to meet up with Mel but we cancel our appointment as he had to visit his brother and sister-in-law who has just conceived another baby boy. Another kid born wioth a silver spoon in his mouth like Mel would say. I hear Evelyn is back in town. Welcome back. As I sat alone in the living room watching late night TV I began to cry, GOD only knows why tears began to sweep me ans I lay there feeling this hurt for no apparent reason (maybe there is..) I wanted to stop so I began cooking at about 1 in the morning. I decided to marinated a couple of chicken to make black pepper chciken. and the same time I made Pasta sauce. I made all of this and left it in the fridge and went to bed
Saturday - Loads to Do
I woke up early as my phone kept on beeping with my daily morning messages. I made myseldf a nice strong cup of coffee and some toast I watched a lil TV. I later got ready and headed to the barber for a lil snip snip. After the baber shop I headed to Sg Wang for a lil shopping for my trip to London. I got some socks, buscuits, a camera for my uncle, etc. I meet up with Mel for lunmch the boy looked aged and he had some face problems. He joked how Lisa has sabotaged his face. We caught up with our lives, in Dome . I had a nice roast beef sandwhich on turkish bread while Mel had Spicy olio. After chit chatting I headed home relaxed and got ready for dinner. As I played host I had to be the 1st. Daryl and Paul was the 1st to come and they the gals came. Caroline, Ming Ying, Winnie, Ah Wai all came a lil late because they did their hair. All looked like lil chinese dolls. We enjoyed our 6 course meal.
Sunday - Klang and Heavy Rain
I woke up really sleepy and headed to St John for mass. I hate mass at St John's its so 'one way'. It was the sickly priest who kept the mass. I was really restless and just wanted to leave asap. I think I've lost my faith again. I'm just going to church cause I have too. I saw Priscilla in church she looks good. I wanted to stay back to say Hito her but I just neede to leave the boring mass. I headed to Kl sentral for breakfast at McDonalds. I took my sweet time reading my paper and having a nice cup of coffee. After breakfast I headed to Klang for Michelles birthday. The train ride seemed short as I read my new book Montmorency. Nice story, its about a theif leading 2 separate lives. Kelvin picked me up from the train station and we headed to Aunt B place. It was a small gathering. Michelle was happy to get my present or her favourite 3 books.
The day after the bomb blast, everyone tell me not to go to London and stay back and cancel my leave. I think only Marina meant it. My line was barred and I could not reply all the sms sent to me telling me not to go some even asked me to ready my will before I leave. Everybody who said that wanted me to leave them something, free loaders get your own stuff. I was suppose to meet up with Mel but we cancel our appointment as he had to visit his brother and sister-in-law who has just conceived another baby boy. Another kid born wioth a silver spoon in his mouth like Mel would say. I hear Evelyn is back in town. Welcome back. As I sat alone in the living room watching late night TV I began to cry, GOD only knows why tears began to sweep me ans I lay there feeling this hurt for no apparent reason (maybe there is..) I wanted to stop so I began cooking at about 1 in the morning. I decided to marinated a couple of chicken to make black pepper chciken. and the same time I made Pasta sauce. I made all of this and left it in the fridge and went to bed
Saturday - Loads to Do
I woke up early as my phone kept on beeping with my daily morning messages. I made myseldf a nice strong cup of coffee and some toast I watched a lil TV. I later got ready and headed to the barber for a lil snip snip. After the baber shop I headed to Sg Wang for a lil shopping for my trip to London. I got some socks, buscuits, a camera for my uncle, etc. I meet up with Mel for lunmch the boy looked aged and he had some face problems. He joked how Lisa has sabotaged his face. We caught up with our lives, in Dome . I had a nice roast beef sandwhich on turkish bread while Mel had Spicy olio. After chit chatting I headed home relaxed and got ready for dinner. As I played host I had to be the 1st. Daryl and Paul was the 1st to come and they the gals came. Caroline, Ming Ying, Winnie, Ah Wai all came a lil late because they did their hair. All looked like lil chinese dolls. We enjoyed our 6 course meal.
Sunday - Klang and Heavy Rain
I woke up really sleepy and headed to St John for mass. I hate mass at St John's its so 'one way'. It was the sickly priest who kept the mass. I was really restless and just wanted to leave asap. I think I've lost my faith again. I'm just going to church cause I have too. I saw Priscilla in church she looks good. I wanted to stay back to say Hito her but I just neede to leave the boring mass. I headed to Kl sentral for breakfast at McDonalds. I took my sweet time reading my paper and having a nice cup of coffee. After breakfast I headed to Klang for Michelles birthday. The train ride seemed short as I read my new book Montmorency. Nice story, its about a theif leading 2 separate lives. Kelvin picked me up from the train station and we headed to Aunt B place. It was a small gathering. Michelle was happy to get my present or her favourite 3 books.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Diary: July 7th Thursday
I feel freedom... yes ! ! !. I had a content meeting today with the gang, we discuss in further projects that I have handed over. The team is beeing stretch thin now with all these projects. I really wish I can help them out but my hands are tight.
As you know there was a big bomb blast in London town. What I taught was joke from Caroline turned out to be a true story and after that everyone started calling me telling me about it and some asking me not to go to London. Stay back .. Like Hell i'm going to give up my chance to go to London. Maybe it would decrease the tourist population going over there where I can only see the positive side. Less que lines more things for me to do there.
Lenny is on leave today and tommoro to take care with his fathers 1 year anniversay prayers. His mum has been under the weather recently....
As you know there was a big bomb blast in London town. What I taught was joke from Caroline turned out to be a true story and after that everyone started calling me telling me about it and some asking me not to go to London. Stay back .. Like Hell i'm going to give up my chance to go to London. Maybe it would decrease the tourist population going over there where I can only see the positive side. Less que lines more things for me to do there.
Lenny is on leave today and tommoro to take care with his fathers 1 year anniversay prayers. His mum has been under the weather recently....
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Diary: 6 Wednesday Pressure
Just when I taught everything was over they throw me another project. Dont they know I'm going on leave next week. I cant worry about this crap can I. And it hand to be a tedious project. What I really need ! ! ! ! Well i just have to delegate it to someone I guess. My position as a Manager has been question recently as I have employed someone hopeless. Well they is no breaks for a manager apparently. So my thing has been tarnished abit. I need to fire the chap that i just hired.... I dont think its gonna be hard as I am heartless (thats what they say)
Can someone please tell me what 'tackness' is apparently I have none of that. Please do inform me. Hopefully I can get some in London. hahahahaha.....
There are still few thing i need to get before i go to London like proper socks, biscuits, etc. Will do it tis weekend before i close my suitcase for good.
Can someone please tell me what 'tackness' is apparently I have none of that. Please do inform me. Hopefully I can get some in London. hahahahaha.....
There are still few thing i need to get before i go to London like proper socks, biscuits, etc. Will do it tis weekend before i close my suitcase for good.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Diary: 5 July Tuesday's Confusion and Clearence
I can say I've finished all my projects today. Most of the projects have been passed to my sub-ordinates. Looks like I'm at the clear to go on my leave with a clear conscience… YEAH RIGHT!! ! ! I honestly do feel a lil freedom as most of my current work has been handed over. I’ve come up with a task list of things to do and handed over to my subs to follow. They are a great team the lot of them with a lil few bad apples thrown along but they are a great people. I cant wait for this Saturday as the content team will meet up for a Chinese dinner. I wish I could meet up with Mel. I do hope we can meet him this weekend. Friday I hope? Finger cross.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Diary: 4 July Monday Blues
Just dropping by a lil note to say I hate Mondays. And apprently one of my collegues boy friend has found my website and suspects on her as her name is SHARON. Well to that reader to bad you wont really know the truth, I dont think Sharon's gonna tell you the whole truth anyways is she...
There is another 10 more days till i fly to london kind of nervous a bit dont know why. Bags not really packed. I'll just have to finalise everything this weekend. I made black pepper steak yesterday for lunch with a side of veggie. It was a good meal. Ok then, so long for now... Bye
There is another 10 more days till i fly to london kind of nervous a bit dont know why. Bags not really packed. I'll just have to finalise everything this weekend. I made black pepper steak yesterday for lunch with a side of veggie. It was a good meal. Ok then, so long for now... Bye
Monday, July 04, 2005
Diary: Tis Week not in Order
The week has been good to me. All I can think about is my trip to London very soon. I got my traveling insurance which so happens covers terrorism attacks and if I die my mum’s rich by RM200, 000. I’m lil nervous with my trip I haven’t been anywhere alone, always with a group of friends or family but this was what I really wanted to do anyway. So it’s less than 11 days to go till the big day where I fly to big UK
I cant really remember much about the whole week except to the fact that we are going to have another pot luck on the 13th of July. Lenny is once again ‘enforcing’ everyone to bring something now the list of people coming has increased. Currently the confirm dishes are nasi minyak, nasi tomato, ayam merah, jelly, drinks, potato salad and the list goes on. I think I’ll ask mum to make sambal prawns.
I had a meeting with Walls, I felt like crap in that meeting. My work was rejected on Lester words was ‘rubbish’ I felt like a shitter. After all the work I’ve done and that’s how I’m re-paid. I hate last minute jobs they never really tell you what they want because they don’t really have the time and when you do it doesn’t come up like how they envision it they screw you because they never really told you what they really wanted. The meting was rewarding actually. It was all the ice-cream you can eat kind of meeting. I had 2 almonds Magnum (pig ain’t I). I was just there for support I guess.
Jennifer is in hospital for an appendix operation. That poor gal has been complaining with stomach aches for sometime now and we bad people a have been teasing her that’s it’s only her baby kicking. Lenny made Winnie cry the other day. It was not actually his fault we were given the task to take care of soft marketing which includes broadcasting as July was already here we were to quickly come up with the broadcast schedule and pass it to Winnie. Being new in the job we made a lil mistakes. Winnie felt pressured by our request that she broke down.
Sachein got married last Sunday. The lot of us went for his wedding there were 2 AKN Mtech tables arranged for us lot. I came in my Indian kurtas, it was a sweet wedding. Everyone asked me when my turn was and I told them NEVER, I’m already married with my work. Lenny said I would definitely get married and when it comes it will be so fast that I won’t know what hit me… Scary Wei. Hehehe. The Indian wedding was quite short we came at 11 and saw Sachein getting ready for his wedding the whole ‘prayers’ took about 1 hour then it was lunch, ang pow session and we were out. It didn’t really feel like a wedding if you know what I mean. After the wedding I headed home to watch some DVD. I watched Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, which to me was complete rubbish. Hey, I already sound British. The movies hype didn’t live up to the movie to my opinion.
Last Saturday I was on standby for the Maxis 3G launches. I decided to be some place near by the office just in case any chit happen so I headed to Midvalley to do a lil grocery shopping. As you all know I’ve packed on a couple of pounds as I’ve stopped going to the gym and not eating healthy. Not wanting to grow anymore I’ve decided to change my whole eating habits. So I got loads of stuff from Carrefour Steak, boneless chicken, pasta , etc. On my way there I saw this booth that said ‘Instant Dict’ I was telling myself How many punch line I could come up with. I headed straight home later after that lugging month’s supply of food. Let’s see how long I last with this.
After reaching home it poured heavily so I couldn’t really go anywhere but be quite at home and wait for any shit to happen. Then it happen I got a call to come down to KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre) to check up on stuff. I headed there at about 5 p.m. and meet up with Ezani and Rizal. You could see Aknmtech Banner put up. Quite proud I guess. After hanging around there I taught it would be useless just do walk aimlessly like an idiot so I headed to Kinokuniya and got myself 2 books. Looking at the time I decide to not be on standby and go to Sg Wang to get some DVD. I finally got the Blade DVD Trilogy, and some other stuff. I reached home later and watched lil TV and I fell into deep sleep.
I cant really remember much about the whole week except to the fact that we are going to have another pot luck on the 13th of July. Lenny is once again ‘enforcing’ everyone to bring something now the list of people coming has increased. Currently the confirm dishes are nasi minyak, nasi tomato, ayam merah, jelly, drinks, potato salad and the list goes on. I think I’ll ask mum to make sambal prawns.
I had a meeting with Walls, I felt like crap in that meeting. My work was rejected on Lester words was ‘rubbish’ I felt like a shitter. After all the work I’ve done and that’s how I’m re-paid. I hate last minute jobs they never really tell you what they want because they don’t really have the time and when you do it doesn’t come up like how they envision it they screw you because they never really told you what they really wanted. The meting was rewarding actually. It was all the ice-cream you can eat kind of meeting. I had 2 almonds Magnum (pig ain’t I). I was just there for support I guess.
Jennifer is in hospital for an appendix operation. That poor gal has been complaining with stomach aches for sometime now and we bad people a have been teasing her that’s it’s only her baby kicking. Lenny made Winnie cry the other day. It was not actually his fault we were given the task to take care of soft marketing which includes broadcasting as July was already here we were to quickly come up with the broadcast schedule and pass it to Winnie. Being new in the job we made a lil mistakes. Winnie felt pressured by our request that she broke down.
Sachein got married last Sunday. The lot of us went for his wedding there were 2 AKN Mtech tables arranged for us lot. I came in my Indian kurtas, it was a sweet wedding. Everyone asked me when my turn was and I told them NEVER, I’m already married with my work. Lenny said I would definitely get married and when it comes it will be so fast that I won’t know what hit me… Scary Wei. Hehehe. The Indian wedding was quite short we came at 11 and saw Sachein getting ready for his wedding the whole ‘prayers’ took about 1 hour then it was lunch, ang pow session and we were out. It didn’t really feel like a wedding if you know what I mean. After the wedding I headed home to watch some DVD. I watched Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, which to me was complete rubbish. Hey, I already sound British. The movies hype didn’t live up to the movie to my opinion.
Last Saturday I was on standby for the Maxis 3G launches. I decided to be some place near by the office just in case any chit happen so I headed to Midvalley to do a lil grocery shopping. As you all know I’ve packed on a couple of pounds as I’ve stopped going to the gym and not eating healthy. Not wanting to grow anymore I’ve decided to change my whole eating habits. So I got loads of stuff from Carrefour Steak, boneless chicken, pasta , etc. On my way there I saw this booth that said ‘Instant Dict’ I was telling myself How many punch line I could come up with. I headed straight home later after that lugging month’s supply of food. Let’s see how long I last with this.
After reaching home it poured heavily so I couldn’t really go anywhere but be quite at home and wait for any shit to happen. Then it happen I got a call to come down to KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre) to check up on stuff. I headed there at about 5 p.m. and meet up with Ezani and Rizal. You could see Aknmtech Banner put up. Quite proud I guess. After hanging around there I taught it would be useless just do walk aimlessly like an idiot so I headed to Kinokuniya and got myself 2 books. Looking at the time I decide to not be on standby and go to Sg Wang to get some DVD. I finally got the Blade DVD Trilogy, and some other stuff. I reached home later and watched lil TV and I fell into deep sleep.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Farewell My Dear Shelly
Where do I begin, Let me begin from the very beginning. When I 1st join AKN Mtech there was one character I was told was the Queen Bitch of the whole office. Her name was Shelly Chuah; she basically operated from our Penang branch office and would come down monthly for the HOD meetings. Those meeting were scary, from out of the door you could here people shouting and mostly it was Shelly. After some time I got promoted to Content Exec and I got news that they were closing down the Penang office and Shelly was to head my department. Boy was I scared of the outcome, loads of people warned me about her. Some discouraged me to leave as soon as possible. We she came on board I guess I showed some attitude and we did have some rough spots but after sometime I noticed that she wasn’t all that bad. She was actually quite cool to work with, a lil pushy but okay. I actually enjoyed working with/for her although people were amazed how I could work with her.
After working with her for sometime we had a Marketing Manager, Marcia Gordon these where the part got started. The 3 of us just clicked. It all began with a stressful work environment caused by SBlim and Marcia’s small gestures of lets go to Chilies to have ‘1 drink’. That 1 drink kind of cemented our friendship. From that day onwards every Friday was a compulsory ‘Bitch session’. We got to know more of each other, the personal side. The slutty side of ourselves…. Hahahaha. We shared kind of everything. Shelly onced asked me a question. Am I with good terms with my dad cause I always keep talking about my mum. That kind of open my eyes, me and my dad never had any conversation or shit.
Last Saturday we had a farewell party for Shelly. Lester, Neil, Marcia, Yasmin, Shelly and myself meet up at TSB (Telawi Street Bistro). It was a nice party the Sambucca kept on coming and by time we know it Shelly was sloshed as she always get. She was flirting around with everybody and dancing her ass off. I’ve never seen her dancing before… ok lah her dance skill ade lah. So The night is going fine till nearing to the end where Shelly gets all cry mode, wishing Marcia and Neil the best. That women was really sloshed hardly could stand if I didn’t hold her. What happen in the end of the night, well I’m sorry I have to with held that information. I don’t want to step on anybody’s feet. But all I’ll say is Shelly you’ll be dearly missed and we wish you the very best in your new ‘kampung’. Love you.
After working with her for sometime we had a Marketing Manager, Marcia Gordon these where the part got started. The 3 of us just clicked. It all began with a stressful work environment caused by SBlim and Marcia’s small gestures of lets go to Chilies to have ‘1 drink’. That 1 drink kind of cemented our friendship. From that day onwards every Friday was a compulsory ‘Bitch session’. We got to know more of each other, the personal side. The slutty side of ourselves…. Hahahaha. We shared kind of everything. Shelly onced asked me a question. Am I with good terms with my dad cause I always keep talking about my mum. That kind of open my eyes, me and my dad never had any conversation or shit.
Last Saturday we had a farewell party for Shelly. Lester, Neil, Marcia, Yasmin, Shelly and myself meet up at TSB (Telawi Street Bistro). It was a nice party the Sambucca kept on coming and by time we know it Shelly was sloshed as she always get. She was flirting around with everybody and dancing her ass off. I’ve never seen her dancing before… ok lah her dance skill ade lah. So The night is going fine till nearing to the end where Shelly gets all cry mode, wishing Marcia and Neil the best. That women was really sloshed hardly could stand if I didn’t hold her. What happen in the end of the night, well I’m sorry I have to with held that information. I don’t want to step on anybody’s feet. But all I’ll say is Shelly you’ll be dearly missed and we wish you the very best in your new ‘kampung’. Love you.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Diary: Busy Days
Hey there it’s been couple of week since I updated you guys with my monotonous life. I’ve been extremely busy with work and been under the microscope from my GM and my operations manager. Many of the office staff are leaving to greener pastures and some not quite happy with management (who’s not). My team is short by 2 staff, as Lenny is taking a long leave to do his own thing. I don’t know but I sense there is some kind of gap between our friendships ever since I became Content Manager. I haven’t had the time to hang out with Mel with my busy schedule. And you can say I’ve avoided Mel a bit cause I can never can say no to his he is is a very persuasive person.I had nice lunches over the last couple of weeks. Oine day, Caroline took me out to KFC with the designers. Another day we had a potluck where everyone cooked a dish and brought to the office. Hasmida brought her famous mee goreng, Michelle brought her curry devil, Odelia brought ghee chicken, Nizam and Marina brought assorted kuih and I got an Oreo cheese cake. Lenny bought nasi briyani. That was a wonderful day everyone was bonding, joking and sharing their stories.
I’ve meet up with Shari for the past 2 Saturdays for tea. Shari is working for the crew Ford tough enough challenge 7 days a week. I meet up with her because the 1st week I just wanted to loosen up so I went to catch a movie by myselfy at Time Square. Another was I just wanted to to replenish my DVD collection and use the ATM. I talked a lil and we headed our separate ways.
Last Sunday was St Anthony’s feast day and its like a family ritual every8 year to give out bread. Mum prays to give out bread yearly till she dies and he sons are to give them out. Mum always does that. I too prayed to give out some bread just for a lil thank you for my work life as I think I’ve been quite lucky with it. No feast day is complete with out visiting Aunty Emily by the counter. She was handing out coffee, she was quite happy to see me. We had to leave as there was such a crowd. Mass in St Anthony was celebrated outside this time and not in church as apparently the construction besdie the church has made the building crack (3-5 cm wide) and the roof aparently would fall anytime. Constructors has advised that the building be vacated imediately so work can be done immediately.
It was also Fathers Day and we all practically didn’t make a fuss about it mum and dad after mass headed to Seremban for dinner and we were left home, me and Andrew watched Coach Carter on DVD, I took my cumpulsory Sunday nap did my ironing later.
My July weekends too seems to be already been booked with weddings I have 2 important weddings on the 3rd and 10th July. Lot of my collegues are planning to tie the knot and eachtime I ge a wedding card and bring it back home my mum gets on my case. Somebody just should shut that lady up, the comments I get from her, boy your lonely you need someone in your life…. Hai macam lah I tak tahu. Besides I’m not finiding for one cause I don’t really think I have anything good to offer yet. I keep telling her I’m going to be an old spinster which brings her to another fit.
My dad too seems to have picked sides with my mum asking me to join some spiritual crap seminar to find my ‘path’. Apparently my dad had to go to a motivational camp just to marry my mum…. What a L-O-S-E-R ! ! ! He expects me to do the same. Hell no.
I’ve meet up with Shari for the past 2 Saturdays for tea. Shari is working for the crew Ford tough enough challenge 7 days a week. I meet up with her because the 1st week I just wanted to loosen up so I went to catch a movie by myselfy at Time Square. Another was I just wanted to to replenish my DVD collection and use the ATM. I talked a lil and we headed our separate ways.
Last Sunday was St Anthony’s feast day and its like a family ritual every8 year to give out bread. Mum prays to give out bread yearly till she dies and he sons are to give them out. Mum always does that. I too prayed to give out some bread just for a lil thank you for my work life as I think I’ve been quite lucky with it. No feast day is complete with out visiting Aunty Emily by the counter. She was handing out coffee, she was quite happy to see me. We had to leave as there was such a crowd. Mass in St Anthony was celebrated outside this time and not in church as apparently the construction besdie the church has made the building crack (3-5 cm wide) and the roof aparently would fall anytime. Constructors has advised that the building be vacated imediately so work can be done immediately.
It was also Fathers Day and we all practically didn’t make a fuss about it mum and dad after mass headed to Seremban for dinner and we were left home, me and Andrew watched Coach Carter on DVD, I took my cumpulsory Sunday nap did my ironing later.
My July weekends too seems to be already been booked with weddings I have 2 important weddings on the 3rd and 10th July. Lot of my collegues are planning to tie the knot and eachtime I ge a wedding card and bring it back home my mum gets on my case. Somebody just should shut that lady up, the comments I get from her, boy your lonely you need someone in your life…. Hai macam lah I tak tahu. Besides I’m not finiding for one cause I don’t really think I have anything good to offer yet. I keep telling her I’m going to be an old spinster which brings her to another fit.
My dad too seems to have picked sides with my mum asking me to join some spiritual crap seminar to find my ‘path’. Apparently my dad had to go to a motivational camp just to marry my mum…. What a L-O-S-E-R ! ! ! He expects me to do the same. Hell no.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Pesanaan Kepada Hati Mu
Lagu ini ditujukan khas kepada yang bercinta dan kepada yang akan memiliki hatiku...
Lagu : Semuanya Untukmu
Dengarlah bisikan angin bayu
Dengarklah bisikan ooo hatiku
Bagaikan sebuah melodi cinta murni
Semua adalah untukmu
Walaupun dalam lautku selami
Walaupun tinggi gunungku daki
Ku rela tempuhi rintangan yang ada
Semua demi cinta suci( korus )
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah kau cintaku murni
Jangan kau pergi
Dirimu tiada ganti
Harapan yang ada
Tersemat di jiwa
Semoga kau sentiasa di sisi
Usah kau ragui keikhlasanku
Usah kau ragui oh hasratku
Kuserah seluruh jiwa dan cintaku
Semua adalah untukmu( korus )
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah kau cintaku murni
Jangan kau pergiDirimu tiada ganti
Akan ku berjanji oh aku berjanji
Semua adalah untukmu
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah engkau cintaku suci dan murni
Jangan kau pergi
Dirimu tiada ganti
Akan ku berjanji oh aku berjanji
Segala harapan tersemat di jiwa
Semoga kau sentiasa di sisi
Lagu : Semuanya Untukmu
Dengarlah bisikan angin bayu
Dengarklah bisikan ooo hatiku
Bagaikan sebuah melodi cinta murni
Semua adalah untukmu
Walaupun dalam lautku selami
Walaupun tinggi gunungku daki
Ku rela tempuhi rintangan yang ada
Semua demi cinta suci( korus )
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah kau cintaku murni
Jangan kau pergi
Dirimu tiada ganti
Harapan yang ada
Tersemat di jiwa
Semoga kau sentiasa di sisi
Usah kau ragui keikhlasanku
Usah kau ragui oh hasratku
Kuserah seluruh jiwa dan cintaku
Semua adalah untukmu( korus )
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah kau cintaku murni
Jangan kau pergiDirimu tiada ganti
Akan ku berjanji oh aku berjanji
Semua adalah untukmu
Tanpa dirimu hidup tak bererti
Tahukah engkau cintaku suci dan murni
Jangan kau pergi
Dirimu tiada ganti
Akan ku berjanji oh aku berjanji
Segala harapan tersemat di jiwa
Semoga kau sentiasa di sisi
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Diary: Week
Work has been really taxing as they are too many projects for me and my teams to handle. What makes it worse is that all of these projects have a very close deadline with each other. I have to skip my swimming this week to Mel as I need to run errands for myself. I bet his thinking I’m avoiding him now. The boys are enjoying their holidays real well. Both of them went to see Madagascar with their friends and gave great reviews about it. I catch it soon I hope if all my work clears. Arrrgghhh!! ! and it’s still the June the 2nd another 28 days to go. I got a ‘reminder’ mail from Lester how this month was the end of the quarter and I had to buck up and run a Mickey Mouse department. Ah, sarcasm runs high in this company.
We had a futsal match against Motivator last Thursday at Taman Megah. After a real thrashing 2 weeks back our confidents were up and we learned from our mistakes. We had enough players to make proper substitution. Being a futsal manager is quite fun, it was like playing the computer game. We won 24 – 12, everyone worked well as a team. Our tactics were excellent and most of all we worked as a team. Thiban was practically the play maker as provided all the brilliant passes to our strikers. Lester Scored 10, Daryl, Akrab scored 4 each Zaki and Thiban scored 3 each. Lenny played a good goalkeeper, better the last anyway. After futsal we headed to Ming Tien which was just behind the futsal court. The guys had dinner while I had star fruit juice. I reached home about 12 at night I guess.
Friday as hectic as hell, my phone was acting up again so I switched it off and charged it. As I was terribly busy I totally forgot about my phone and when I switched it on I was surprised to receive and SMS from Maxis saying I had 16 missed calls 10 from Mel and 6 from Kelvin. I so wanted to call them but I was just too busy. Worked finished at about 7-ish and I wanted to sort out monthly bills and not do it on Saturday I just wanted to sleep in. Lenny said he would do my HSBC and I would do his Citibank. By The time I reached KLCC it was already 8.15. I settled my maxis bill and Maybank bill which took longer than I expected because of the queue. I was already hungry, I headed to Citibank. I was tempted to get a Roti Boy but I decided not to. After Citibank I headed back home made a short stop to McD’s and got a Fillet of fish. Everyone was already at home but decided to go to bed early so the boys conquered the TV. We saw Rambo: First Blood, yes old movie but have you seed Sylvester Stalone’s body in that movie peck and muscles everywhere and it had a very hot Vietnamese chick and besides that it was a Macho flick unnecessary gun firing and people dieing, blood gushing…. Do I need to say more?
Saturday I got my hair cut, I just should buy one of those machine and do it myself it would be just much cheaper. Andrew tagged along as he wanted too wanted to have a lil snip, snip. After visiting the barber both of us headed to Sg Wang to get some DVD’s. I just wanted to relax at home and not do anything. I got a couple of titles and headed home. When I reached home it was then a movie marathon, we watched Constantine and Wedding Date. Which after that we had to get ready to go to church. I wore my Harry Who T-Shirt from Kino saw some familiar faces. After mass we hunted down for some sate but I guess all the vendors we taking the holiday but we still manage to find a guy in Taman Dato Senu. I sms-ed Shari while watching the guy do our sate. We chit chatted and we spoke for a while.
Sunday was quite peaceful I guess I woke up watched cartoons and just lazed around the house. Mum and dad were going to attend a wedding in Segamat so they left early. The house was our we watched Oceans 12 and my bro haven’t watched it before. I took a compulsory Sunday noon nap, as I woke up I got the news that mum and dad had car trouble and dad would be staying back in Segamat while mum would come to KL. Mum was like bit sad and started nagging about dad how he did allot of things wrong. We just listened. Mum turned in early as the journey tired her. I watched TV till late night which was disastrous and the next day I woke up late for work. Luckily the office was hit by a Trojan virus and the tech team closed all internet access and no work could be done the whole day. We had endless of meetings which I took no notice off.
We had a futsal match against Motivator last Thursday at Taman Megah. After a real thrashing 2 weeks back our confidents were up and we learned from our mistakes. We had enough players to make proper substitution. Being a futsal manager is quite fun, it was like playing the computer game. We won 24 – 12, everyone worked well as a team. Our tactics were excellent and most of all we worked as a team. Thiban was practically the play maker as provided all the brilliant passes to our strikers. Lester Scored 10, Daryl, Akrab scored 4 each Zaki and Thiban scored 3 each. Lenny played a good goalkeeper, better the last anyway. After futsal we headed to Ming Tien which was just behind the futsal court. The guys had dinner while I had star fruit juice. I reached home about 12 at night I guess.
Friday as hectic as hell, my phone was acting up again so I switched it off and charged it. As I was terribly busy I totally forgot about my phone and when I switched it on I was surprised to receive and SMS from Maxis saying I had 16 missed calls 10 from Mel and 6 from Kelvin. I so wanted to call them but I was just too busy. Worked finished at about 7-ish and I wanted to sort out monthly bills and not do it on Saturday I just wanted to sleep in. Lenny said he would do my HSBC and I would do his Citibank. By The time I reached KLCC it was already 8.15. I settled my maxis bill and Maybank bill which took longer than I expected because of the queue. I was already hungry, I headed to Citibank. I was tempted to get a Roti Boy but I decided not to. After Citibank I headed back home made a short stop to McD’s and got a Fillet of fish. Everyone was already at home but decided to go to bed early so the boys conquered the TV. We saw Rambo: First Blood, yes old movie but have you seed Sylvester Stalone’s body in that movie peck and muscles everywhere and it had a very hot Vietnamese chick and besides that it was a Macho flick unnecessary gun firing and people dieing, blood gushing…. Do I need to say more?
Saturday I got my hair cut, I just should buy one of those machine and do it myself it would be just much cheaper. Andrew tagged along as he wanted too wanted to have a lil snip, snip. After visiting the barber both of us headed to Sg Wang to get some DVD’s. I just wanted to relax at home and not do anything. I got a couple of titles and headed home. When I reached home it was then a movie marathon, we watched Constantine and Wedding Date. Which after that we had to get ready to go to church. I wore my Harry Who T-Shirt from Kino saw some familiar faces. After mass we hunted down for some sate but I guess all the vendors we taking the holiday but we still manage to find a guy in Taman Dato Senu. I sms-ed Shari while watching the guy do our sate. We chit chatted and we spoke for a while.
Sunday was quite peaceful I guess I woke up watched cartoons and just lazed around the house. Mum and dad were going to attend a wedding in Segamat so they left early. The house was our we watched Oceans 12 and my bro haven’t watched it before. I took a compulsory Sunday noon nap, as I woke up I got the news that mum and dad had car trouble and dad would be staying back in Segamat while mum would come to KL. Mum was like bit sad and started nagging about dad how he did allot of things wrong. We just listened. Mum turned in early as the journey tired her. I watched TV till late night which was disastrous and the next day I woke up late for work. Luckily the office was hit by a Trojan virus and the tech team closed all internet access and no work could be done the whole day. We had endless of meetings which I took no notice off.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Diary: So Long Till July
Hey it was back to work day on Monday, there was lot of issues that needed Marks attention. I’m kind of worried what would happen when Marks goes to London next month. Yes it’s less than a month’s time till I visit the place where I’m supposed to be born (perasaan!!!). I think stress makes me, it felt so good to come back to the office and get headaches and be pushed to the edge of the seat. I will be extremely busy for the month of June and I guess I will have to blow off Mel most of the time. Its going to be hard but it has to be done.
Last Friday I hanged with Mel as we did our routine swimming and Sauna. I talked about many thinks and how my blog got in trouble. Hey I just put the truth in the blog and I sometimes just wonder why the ladies can’t let the guys be. I see most of my couple friends can’t seem to have boy’s night out without their girl friends creating a fuss. I pity my friends sometime. I and Mel headed to Chilies again for dinner had our San Miguel beer and headed home feeling tired after doing laps at the pool.
Saturday, I had to run to Sg Wang to get the Robots DVD for Uncle Tony as we forgot about him when Aunt Irene, Su and I went hunting for DVD. I got the DVD, lunch and I head back home. Oh yeah I got the new Sprite Remix drink which taste real good. I watched the Robots DVD as never watched the movie before and as I predicted it was lame. We headed to Klang for dinner at Tanjung Harapan. Uncle Tony said the food was good. Driving from KL it was quite a long journey. Its actually at the very end of Selangor. We even passed Pulau Indah… hehehe. I hate family trip cause at the end of every journey someone would be angry and pissed off. This times my mum and my uncle and a tiff. Both of this people have high egos so it’s best that they sort it our by themselves.
Dinner actually sucked. Uncle Tony chooses quite bland food which no one really enjoyed and too little dishes. It was surprising that the bill was 300++ for 4-5 dishes. We had Mantis prawns, 2 types of veggie, fried fish and sizzling tofu. See really sucked init. No one said anything. We headed to grand mum’s place to sleep over. Everyone crashed in mama’s house except for Uncle Tony’s family. We played with lil Michael who seems to take quite a liking to me. We sat down told lil stories and put him to bed. I couldn’t sleep that night I kept waking up every hour or so. I guess its not at the comfort of my own bed and I had lots running in my mind. Like Finance
We all woke up really early the next day 5 am I guess, as we needed to sent Aunt Irene and Aunt Susan off to the airport. We all got ready and headed to KLIA. There was a massive crowd. My aunts checked in and we sat down for awhile doing last minute chit chatting and joking around. We then left and we headed back home. Dad made us go to church, which wasn’t in my menu. I was actually looking forward for breakfast. Mass finished at 11 headed to the nearest food stall and got some chicken rice this was lunch. Did my ironing, took my nap. And was ready for work.
Last Friday I hanged with Mel as we did our routine swimming and Sauna. I talked about many thinks and how my blog got in trouble. Hey I just put the truth in the blog and I sometimes just wonder why the ladies can’t let the guys be. I see most of my couple friends can’t seem to have boy’s night out without their girl friends creating a fuss. I pity my friends sometime. I and Mel headed to Chilies again for dinner had our San Miguel beer and headed home feeling tired after doing laps at the pool.
Saturday, I had to run to Sg Wang to get the Robots DVD for Uncle Tony as we forgot about him when Aunt Irene, Su and I went hunting for DVD. I got the DVD, lunch and I head back home. Oh yeah I got the new Sprite Remix drink which taste real good. I watched the Robots DVD as never watched the movie before and as I predicted it was lame. We headed to Klang for dinner at Tanjung Harapan. Uncle Tony said the food was good. Driving from KL it was quite a long journey. Its actually at the very end of Selangor. We even passed Pulau Indah… hehehe. I hate family trip cause at the end of every journey someone would be angry and pissed off. This times my mum and my uncle and a tiff. Both of this people have high egos so it’s best that they sort it our by themselves.
Dinner actually sucked. Uncle Tony chooses quite bland food which no one really enjoyed and too little dishes. It was surprising that the bill was 300++ for 4-5 dishes. We had Mantis prawns, 2 types of veggie, fried fish and sizzling tofu. See really sucked init. No one said anything. We headed to grand mum’s place to sleep over. Everyone crashed in mama’s house except for Uncle Tony’s family. We played with lil Michael who seems to take quite a liking to me. We sat down told lil stories and put him to bed. I couldn’t sleep that night I kept waking up every hour or so. I guess its not at the comfort of my own bed and I had lots running in my mind. Like Finance
We all woke up really early the next day 5 am I guess, as we needed to sent Aunt Irene and Aunt Susan off to the airport. We all got ready and headed to KLIA. There was a massive crowd. My aunts checked in and we sat down for awhile doing last minute chit chatting and joking around. We then left and we headed back home. Dad made us go to church, which wasn’t in my menu. I was actually looking forward for breakfast. Mass finished at 11 headed to the nearest food stall and got some chicken rice this was lunch. Did my ironing, took my nap. And was ready for work.
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