This weekend has been a blast. It began with Friday when early in the morning Logen called me up and asked why there was no more futsal games being held. Being the teams self proclaimed team manager, I got Jaya to organize a ‘training’ match among ourselves. Hmm what character should I play? Should I play Chewing Gum Fergie or Snotty Jose hahahaha. Well we’ll be playing this Tuesday at Taman Megah. I may not play well but I do manage well. I left office with Nizam at about 8, he dropped me off at PWTC and I headed to the night market. With my usual ritual of nasi goreng ayam I bought it and headed home. A nice long shower and I was in front of the TV watching some movie. I headed to bed early.
Saturday I woke up at 7 but I decided to sleep back in again till 9 where I woke up and made breakfast for myself. I headed to KLCC to do the ritual bill payment and then I was off to Midvalley to do my grocery shopping. I like to do grocery shopping. It kinds of help you unwind. Taking your time to shop. I got lunch on the way and headed straight home where I put my stuff away and had lunch. Watched a lil TV and about 3-ish I took my nap, in hope to wake up to go for mass in the evening but waking up was quite a difficult task so I slept away till much later to the evening. I stayed up way late of the night. I couldn’t sleep due to my mini nap in the afternoon. I watched an old movie. Notting Hill, staring Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant and a bunch of British Actors. It brought back memories. The infamous line ‘I’m jus a gal standing in front a boy asking her to love me’ was spoken which was hilarious as I knew somebody who was so into that line that he carried it in his wallet. You know who you are… hahahaha. Memories I live on them.
I woke up early on Sunday and headed for mass at St Johns, The church of convenience. I said a prayer at the statue of Virgin Mary. I think she was washed down or the rain did that; she looked quite clean. I attended mass I saw Priscilla with her family and my distant relatives attending mass. They were quite surprised to see me, as I’m of those people who don’t really attend my relative functions. I pick and choose which I want to attend most of the time I don’t attend my dad’s side (long story). I headed to KLCC after mass for breakfast. I got the latest HOT magazine and was dishing myself with the latest gossips. I meet up with Shari for a movie. We were to watch the Longest Yard but before that we had a mini smack at SFC. We catched up with our lives, Shari told me about her new crush in her life and we did a lil scrutinizing. After the movie Shari dropped me off at Sg Wang where I did my normal DVD shopping. I met Sachin and his wife at my local DVD place. I searched for a shop which sold Pirated music but there was none. If any of you know where I can get my hands on these kinds of stuff please do inform me.
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