Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Sorry guys if the picture offends you but it caps what I really want to say to all. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish that 2008 brings u much luck, prosperity, health and a huge dossage of love. I love you all and my prayers are with you.
See you in 2008....

I made Muruku

Well X’mas is around the corer and since I have so much time to spare, I helped my mum make some cookies. We made muruku, achi muruku/rose muruku and also suji biscuit. It really felt like being a kid all over again. Me helping mum in the kitchen, does that bring back memories. I had my hand for the 1st time making muruku and damm was it tough, I just ended up making a mess. Out of 5 tries I only made one good muruku. I just wanted to be like the male guys cooking and baking at AFC.

I'd love to invite you guys over to my place but I cant as my pad is yet to be ready (end of 2008, fingers cross) and I'll be in Klang on the 25th and 26th. So if your down maybe we could meet. I hear they have a new mall that has finally brought up the living standards of Klang people. Klang finally has a Dome and for the ladies a MNG. Hope this will lessen the traffic of Klang people coming to Midvalley.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm Back

It’s been a long time since I’ve not blogged, close to 3 months I guess. Well there is couple of valid reasons and those close to me know what has happen and the reason to my hiatus. To sum it all, karma has come back full circle. All the bad things I did in my life has come and bit me in the arse. I know what I did bad and now I’m paying for it.

I didn’t take this incident in my life as a pitfall but I instead reassessed my life and how I was running it. Funny, at times I was gasping to make it in the world I was in. Leaving it all behind I can see now how much baggage I was carrying and what I could do without. I strongly believe GOD has a plan for me and I intend to include him in my life more. You might guess that this isn’t Mark, but thanks to close friends like Marcia and Mum they kind of made me realize how one needs ‘his’ help.

Being away from what I was used too and my daily routines I was strangely overcome with peace and calmness. A feeling that I have never felt before… not for a very long time anyway. I’ve take the time off to start of a small side business with 2 of my ex-colleagues. Its called Plan A Date, We are party/dating planners, no event is too small. Dont know how to surprise your love one anymore, or just got a big party u cant handle. Give me a call and let me worry about the details. We are a professional bunch just go to the site for more info.

Anyway this year X’mas will be small and I think I have a lot to be grateful for but it will be a simple one. I’ll leave now, but I promise I’ll be back with more ranting and just for your info I didn’t join Hindraf… hehehehe

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Black Donnellys

I am like any other man, I love good mob pic, The Godfather, Goodfellas, Sapranos, etc. My latest craze is The Black Donnelys. You cant catch it on Astro Star Movies every Sunday at 10pm or you could be impatient like me and watch the whole season at the link below
This serial is scripted very nicely, there is a saying 'We make our own choices' but what leads us to our choices?

Well about the show, let me summarize it for you, the series follows four young Catholic Irish-American brothers in Hell's Kitchen and their involvement with organized crime. Although the show is set in the present day, it draws heavily upon Irish-American history and iconic themes. The pilot episode illustrates a clear tension and rivalry between the Irish and the Italians. The episodes are narrated by a childhood friend, Joey "Ice Cream", whom the show depicts as an unreliable narrator.

The Black Donnellys was created by Paul Haggis and Robert Moresco. Cast members include Jonathan Tucker, Olivia Wilde (HOTTIE, god love her eyes), Billy Lush, Tom Guiry and Kirk Acevedo with relative newcomers Michael Stahl-David and Keith Nobbs. The only thing that I'm sad is that the show got cancelled after one season. What a waste.

Future of our Kids

I may never get married and have kids. I thought that was a bad thing but lately after seeing the loss of 2 high profile kids cases. Me not having kids seem not a bad idea. Times are bad now (boy dont i sound like an old man). Its no longer the days we grew up in. How many of you when u were a kid, your mum sent you to the shop or market to get something? You might have hated it or loved it but thats not going to happen to your kids.

I got a mail recently, a parent lost their kid in a hypermart and after a lock down they found her naked, druged and shaved. I guess the only solution fo this is you dont bring they out or we have them on a leash. I remember my brother being in one. It was a parental snap to the arm. We used to be able to say, 'Oh that area bad lah" that remark has no merit now, these crimes happens anywhere.

Do you think Malaysia should set up its own S.V.U now with these cases on rise?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What has happe to our Law System?

Former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim released an explosive 8-minute video clip today that is set to rock the Judiciary and the Putrajaya Administration.

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

All this when election is near. Its now in the hads of you to deide. Famous qoute from V for Vendetta, "The government should be scared of their people and not otherwise",

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Politians will be Politicians

I’m not sure if you were fortunate enough to receive spam SMS from friends and family asking you to see HARDtalk on BBC at 10.30pm. Well as always the show was not showing out cable TV but luckily I was fortunate enough to get the link from an old friend.

You guys will need real player to watch the clip. Listen to the question and how our minister gives answer with no substance.