Monday, June 27, 2005

Farewell My Dear Shelly

Where do I begin, Let me begin from the very beginning. When I 1st join AKN Mtech there was one character I was told was the Queen Bitch of the whole office. Her name was Shelly Chuah; she basically operated from our Penang branch office and would come down monthly for the HOD meetings. Those meeting were scary, from out of the door you could here people shouting and mostly it was Shelly. After some time I got promoted to Content Exec and I got news that they were closing down the Penang office and Shelly was to head my department. Boy was I scared of the outcome, loads of people warned me about her. Some discouraged me to leave as soon as possible. We she came on board I guess I showed some attitude and we did have some rough spots but after sometime I noticed that she wasn’t all that bad. She was actually quite cool to work with, a lil pushy but okay. I actually enjoyed working with/for her although people were amazed how I could work with her.

After working with her for sometime we had a Marketing Manager, Marcia Gordon these where the part got started. The 3 of us just clicked. It all began with a stressful work environment caused by SBlim and Marcia’s small gestures of lets go to Chilies to have ‘1 drink’. That 1 drink kind of cemented our friendship. From that day onwards every Friday was a compulsory ‘Bitch session’. We got to know more of each other, the personal side. The slutty side of ourselves…. Hahahaha. We shared kind of everything. Shelly onced asked me a question. Am I with good terms with my dad cause I always keep talking about my mum. That kind of open my eyes, me and my dad never had any conversation or shit.

Last Saturday we had a farewell party for Shelly. Lester, Neil, Marcia, Yasmin, Shelly and myself meet up at TSB (Telawi Street Bistro). It was a nice party the Sambucca kept on coming and by time we know it Shelly was sloshed as she always get. She was flirting around with everybody and dancing her ass off. I’ve never seen her dancing before… ok lah her dance skill ade lah. So The night is going fine till nearing to the end where Shelly gets all cry mode, wishing Marcia and Neil the best. That women was really sloshed hardly could stand if I didn’t hold her. What happen in the end of the night, well I’m sorry I have to with held that information. I don’t want to step on anybody’s feet. But all I’ll say is Shelly you’ll be dearly missed and we wish you the very best in your new ‘kampung’. Love you.

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