Woman Lie About Orgasm. Yes I did see Harry met Sally and Iwas turned on when she faked her orgasm. I just found out one of my old flames used to fake her orgasm so that I would not feel bad, it was not like I was bad in bed or anything. (Free Trial to all those Intrested for test run). Dam I feel hurt, like a wonded bear with a bad bruised ego. Discussing further with my friend apparently all women does it at one point or the other. Its their way to make the men feel BIG, pampered. Not being happy I asked a couple of my gal pals and it was the same thing. They faked orgasm one point or other. I guess women have us in their pinky finger when it comes to making us feel good. And all this time we (MEN) thought we were the Kings and we were doing a god job.
Knowing the fact at that time my woman faked orgasm made me wonder was I really that bad in bed. I hope all the women I've been with havent been faking their orgasm. But you never know I guess those who keeps coming back for more (You know who you are) arent faking it. Well it obvious that men can never know when she is faking and when she is not because we would be to busy in the game. Which makes me wonder have men faked sex. Hmm I guess so, You like the gal and when you find her in bed not what you expected to be or the worst case those rubbish sex. Then the question comes the next morning, how was it. You cant say it to her thats 'it was utter rubbish' or worst still ' it was like humping a sack of potatoes'. I dont even want to hear that said to me either. So we lie our way and hope we dont meet again or worst case we break it off. MEN ! ! Pigs !! If men are Pigs women would be.... even in name calling men and woman are not in the csame kind. Sigh ....
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