Thursday, December 02, 2004

Diary: 1 December 2004

Have you ever wondered what was the big fuss about putting the seat down in the toilet. From time and time again we've seen in the movies or series couples argueing about it. What is the blady problem of just putting it up or down. I was reading CLEo the other day the ladies just found out that their men act differently when they are with their guys. Some might not pay attention to them (gals)... like duh of course they act differently that might be actually hoew they are. When we are with the guys there is no sensitive side, emotional shiet to worry about. We say what we want, joke about our hoes.. oops i mean girlfriend.

Yesterday we had my meeting and they were talking about our figures and how short we have fallen. Next month's target has been set something I myself have doubt with but again I have to accept it. Plans to achieve it has albeen put out lets see how it goes. Other than that work was fine I was out the office by 8p.m.

I'm just looking forward for my Xmas leave but I have a feeling I'm not gonna get it. I'm just gonna pray for it. My Aunt is coming down from UK tis weekend. I so looking forward for that.

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