Monday, November 22, 2004

Diary: 21 November 2004

Sleeping late and waking up early never seems to mix together. I woke to go to church today, there was new priest who kept on yaking, and yaking and yaking. It made me much more sleepier. I miss Father Ferdi, the mass would be short and sweet. After mass I got yam cake at a near by restaurant. They did have breakfast sale at the church but I just wasn't into it. Mum made nasi briyani ad chicken varuval for lunch. I gobbled down my food and I was off to KLCC to meet Anne and Pris.

Being typical ladies there were late. But I think ladies have built in programs that makes them be late for appointments. We were to meet at the thetre, once they arrivd I didn't get a Heloo, nope none of that. All of a sudden Mark became invisble, Pris talked about Anne's stright hair and the they were having their girlie conversation. By the way we were to see Mr. Incredible. the movie was incredible. All i say is when you see this movie dont expect you normal pixar movie, assume like your seeing Batman or Spider-man. Its so cool

After the movie I became un-invisble and the ladies oticed me. We headed to Boh and I had a pot of tea and scones while Pris and Ann had teh tarik and shared a big slice of carrot cake. We talked. We were enticed with Pris blid date how bold she is to go through it. We talked about our families and our cathecism years, reminising about the good times and bad. Pris decide to annoy me by stating I was to high standards for them, Anne later did join along. Its so irritating, isit wrong for one to indulge on onself, yes you do safe for a rainy day but you also should spoil yourself. Why do one work? I work to support myself.

After tea, Pris dropped me and Anne off atthe church. Anne had to thank god for getting her job. Which is not a bad idea, i must say. Never forget him if ur up, and never when your down. I think After writingthis entry I'm gona turn in early. I need my rest you know..

1 comment:

Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

I often read your BLOG and hehehee I must say it feels very Mark-ish. Almost like these movies where the writer reads it to you. Im sure you still sound the same. Coincidence that we BLOG at the same site :) Guess you drop by often too? Laters sexy