I’ve lived in Malaysia for 26 years now and I’ve visited 13 out of the 14 states in Malaysia. I have friends of all races and I love their food and culture. Food especially. But what does it mean to be Malaysian. Most of all in this month of August I’ve tried to ask myself what does patriotism mean to me. I see flags everywhere and I await Yasmin’s Petronas advert to feel touched. There must be more to patriotism that this, so I though about my childhood.
When I was young I used to be excited about the parade and watch all the major companies march down along with the army, police. I would wake up early just to watch it now I just sleep in bed and I thank the government for the free holiday. I asked some of my friends what patriotism what it means and most of them say it means nothing. Some said its their to Malaysia. Which made me think what is Malaysia to me. I see Malaysia as a land of opportunity for the hardworking but I still oppression for my people. The people who helped us get liberated are now the people who are now the suppressors of equality and freedom.
Do me a favour ask yourself what patriotism means to you?
Patriotism.. is more than the willingness or enthusiasm in hanging or displaying the national flag, be it in front of your shop, house, or your vehicle.
You are not truly patriotic even if you do the above, year after year. To become a true patriotic, you must be willing to sacrifice (and even die) for your own country.
Forget about power, politics, money, and fame. Be honest to yourself and be fair to the people of the nation regardless of gender or race. Follow the proper procedures at work and at all times. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done.
I see the country full of impairment. The injustice. I've got anew way of looking at Malysia. I dont agree with the Management (Government) but I love the company (Malaysia).
it has always been that way. if you want perfection; then find utopia.
The Malaysian Mentality always settling down, telling ourselves 'wat can you do about it?'... I wonder when we are going to stand up for our equality. Even I'm waiting for it....
if you want change; then do something about it
Yes I am doing something about it. Something at my level.
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