Saturday, February 04, 2006

Diary:Brief Happenings

This week briefly I was visited by close relatives, I visited some close relatives, Went to a government office and got myself sloshed as I was a lil down and bored. I watched ‘IT” to those who have no idea what I’m talking about. ‘IT’ is the horror tele-movie that scared me shitless in the 1980’s. I was fortunate enough to get a copy for myself. I watched it late night and I was surprised to see the cast. There was young Seth Green who appeared to be tall in the movie, the dad in 8 Simple Rules and the mum in Smallville. Needless to say the graphics was such a joke as I watched it with my brother. Till this day I hate clowns because of this movie. Thank you Stephen King

And or course I spent a wonderful afternoon with Shari. We had lunch at Chillis and a movie (‘Keeping Mum’). We later went to Best Denki to get a rice cooker we were joking how funny we looked like and if Mel we to find us here he would have definitely something to say. On Sunday, I had trouble waking up to attend mass. I just felt it was not the place to be, I left after communion. I headed to McD for breakfast. I needed strong coffee and McD had that and it was refillable. After 2 cups and the Sunday Mail I headed back home did my chores wrote a short story and watched Juara lagu. I was happy to see Jac win. Indian woman doing us proud and she made Mawi sing her song. Both of them should have a face out. No sms bullshit cause we know who would win but judges, professional unbiased judges.

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