My current favorite show to watch other than CSI, House and ED is to watch Jamie Oliver School Dinners. Jamie has taken it on himself to teach the cooks/dinner ladies how to cook healthy and stay away from Fried Chips, nuggets and processed meat. He really had a hard time changing the mindset of these people. Let it be known that the British idea of breakfast is either everything drench with oil or a simple coke and a mars bar. Yes they are horrid but I guess our '
nasi lemak' and '
roti canai' isn't that great either is it? The biggest challenge Jamie faced was actually getting the children to taste the food. It wasn't like Jamie served you some kind of mush but it was real proper food like spaghetti Bolegnese, Lemon roasted chicken, Roasted lamb, Mashed potatoes and greens. These are meals where we pay about RM30 for a plate at least, Jamie has done an amazing budget of 0.37 pence per kid. Parents these days just lets kids be and let them take on their own path and hope they take the right path. How would the kids know? Parents should intervene.
What else amazed me that the kids didn't respect the food. Some chose not to eat at the canteen which I'm ok with and some threw away their food. Loads of em'. It made me think of my old days where my Aunty Pat now with her new grandson has lifted her to the status of Patti Pat forced us to eat something new. If she had to shove it down our throats so be it. My mum made sure my plate was clean before I could leave the table. My family has really thought me the value and how to respect it. I never waste it, but of course I do know a friend who loves wasting fod eventhough her mum has cooked it. Back to my story, the students held a protest to bring back oily nuggets and chips back to the menu some parents called the school to complain and ask them to give these students back this kind of food. Thankfully the principal didnt budge and let Jamie do what he does best.
Now Jamie's new challenge is to train 60 school lunch ladies to do the same in other schools. And whats worst is that most of them hate cooking healthy foods as well......