Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Passive Malaya

What has happened to the people of Malaysia? I noticed these days that we seem to accept everything at face value and do not intend to question the decision that is made. Good example is the toll hike, we all complain about it but nothing is done about it. We don’t fight back. Mum recently just informed me that the cukai pintu just increased by another RM20. Why the sudden hike?

Why aren’t heads rolling for the flood that is happening in JB? I think the top managements people ruling the flood areas need to be taken action. I heard somebody comment that JB has no proper channel to let the water go out? Do you really think this is a smart comment? We all have seen a Malaysian Map, Johor is at the very tip and they are water on the left and right of it. Why can’t we build a temporary channel to remove the water? Hasn’t the government allocated a budget to change the drainage or we just concentrate on KL and no place else. Johor is next to Singapore you don’t hear them being flooded or sinked. The idea of Singapore being sinked is cool though…

Its visit Malaysia 2007 and with the flood in JB what do you think the foreign press will say. They would say Malaysia hit by flood. Then no one comes to visit us and the 32 million we spent on the Eye On Malaysia would be a waste. We need to think! We seem to give up the right to do so.


CY said...

Well, apparently a small part of Singapore is flooded, Bukit Timah if I'm not mistaken. It was on the tv a few days ago.

Passive Malaya? I do agree with you on that. Which reminds me of an article I read on another blog: http://johnling.blog.com/1308148/
Have a look at other articles on his blog, there's a lot of interesting and informative stuffs ;)

Crankster said...

Well, now the land reclaimation is becoming the official excuse for the flood.

Blame Singapore!