I am like any other man, I love good mob pic, The Godfather, Goodfellas, Sapranos, etc. My latest craze is The Black Donnelys. You cant catch it on Astro Star Movies every Sunday at 10pm or you could be impatient like me and watch the whole season at the link below
This serial is scripted very nicely, there is a saying 'We make our own choices' but what leads us to our choices?
Well about the show, let me summarize it for you, the series follows four young Catholic Irish-American brothers in Hell's Kitchen and their involvement with organized crime. Although the show is set in the present day, it draws heavily upon Irish-American history and iconic themes. The pilot episode illustrates a clear tension and rivalry between the Irish and the Italians. The episodes are narrated by a childhood friend, Joey "Ice Cream", whom the show depicts as an unreliable narrator.
The Black Donnellys was created by Paul Haggis and Robert Moresco. Cast members include Jonathan Tucker, Olivia Wilde (HOTTIE, god love her eyes), Billy Lush, Tom Guiry and Kirk Acevedo with relative newcomers Michael Stahl-David and Keith Nobbs. The only thing that I'm sad is that the show got cancelled after one season. What a waste.