Work: My World Cup Project now draws near, what began in mid of Dec now nearly comes to a finish. Wow, this is the longest and the largest project I’ve ever managed. I must say it was a team effort. Being Maxis and all there is still things that needs to be done. Besides Maxis I’m also concurrently managing M1 World Cup WAP Quiz. They launch on the 5th June. I’m planning to take the team out for lunch as a thank you and a job well done. All of them need a good holiday. I’ve gotten management to agree to give them travel vouchers worth RM800. As a lil thank you.
Loads of people from the other department are inquiring to join my department. They is actually need for this but I just don’t have the space to accommodate them. I hear rumours that the company might be seeking space in the new KL Sentral building. I’m hoping the content team gets moved there. I’ve told Lester that I wanted to be Pixar. You know Pixar is under Disney right? They have the freedom of management to do what they want? And I want that. Lester has agreed to it and says he will look into it. Hmmm I can picture it now my own office….
Weekend: I spent the weekend on a training seminar. The title of the seminar was ‘Voice of Leadership’. It was to teach us to be leaders. The seminar was sooooo boring. I caught myself sleeping so many times. His answer for explanation was go look into the Internet. GOD! ! ! We didn’t pay him that much to tell us to go to the Internet. Nevertheless the food t Armada Hotel was quite good. On Sunday they had this amazing dish called ‘roti canai durian’ it was heaven, every mouth full of heavenly bliss
I was the tourist guide for my Pakistan staff. I brought them around time during the evenings of my weekend. We had dinner at Mandarin Oriental at a Chinese Halal restaurant. On the companies budget of course. Its very posh place I must say, I felt a lil out of place.
At night we headed to 1 Utama for late night movie. They treated me to a Golden Class show of Da Vinci code. It was my 1st time watching a movie in Gold Class. A ticket cost RM40. I thought u get all the drink and popcorn u want but that’s not the case u still had to but your own popcorn and drinks. The seats were very comfortable. They were lazy boys. So u had to do a Chandler and Joey thing… and it did feel that good.
Note: I really miss hanging out with my friends I apologise for not meeting or not calling u back. Work is taxing…..
am i one of those ppl who miss hanging out with? lol, i better be.
guess what? i'll be working most of the weekends in june. the only time i can see you is if you come to one of my events. going to have an event at sunway lagoon soon (10 June)..kind of a beach party. if i can get extra tickets and if you're free,game for it?
Gal.. U know your always on my mind. Yeah I did hear about the beach party. Seventeen Magazine right. I cant make it though busy I get my new glasses then. Sory babes. Maybe the week after that?
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