Personal: Nothings happening…. Nothing you guys should know about anyway. But this weekend will see the departure of 2 of my best friends. Yoges will be leaving to greener pastures, he be in Singapore. Now I’ve got a reason to go to Singapore. Another friend I can’t mention. He’ll still be in KL but he parts for other reason. I guess we’ll see each other if out paths cross… Good Luck to both of you. All the best. I’m proud to be friends with you.
Work: Hectic as always, the time to launch Maxis World Cup draws near and I’ve not begun anything. There are loads to do. Its nice to know that I have a long break as 1st of May is Labour Day and on Friday I’ll be flying off to Langkawi for the annual company trip. Loads of planning have been done, very attractive Lucky draw prizes. Holiday Tours have given us a prize where winner gets to stay at any hotel in Malaysia for free.
Spiritual: Oh Boy, they found the Gospel of Judas. For a man who betrayed Jesus isn’t Gospel (Holy Book) a wrong word to use for it. I can’t wait to see what Dan Brown (author of Da Vinci’s Code) can do to exploit the Judas Gospel. For the benefit of those who have no idea what I’m talking about here here’s a short brief. Jesus had 12 disciples and one of ‘em was Judas. He betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins. We know all of Jesus disciples have written about him and they only found Judas Gospel recently in a Cave someplace.
In this newfound Judas Gospel, he writes saying that he and Jesus was very close and that he was in-trusted to sacrifice Jesus. My question here is if he was so close to Jesus why wasn’t he chosen to lead the disciples, why Simon-Peter? Did the guilt of his so-called sacrifice made him to commit suicide after betraying Jesus? The documentary also said that everyone wrote at that time even Mary of Magdalene which again makes me wonder, If everyone wrote a ‘Gospel’ why cant we find Jesus own Gospel. He must have written too don’t you think. If Jesus wrote I think that would mostly clear out doubts and man would not have to assume what meant.
I thought some more. The Gospel is like their own Blog. Everyone has their own perspective on things. In the bible our of the 12 disciples only 4 became Gospels why? Because they wrote very grandly about him where others just wrote as if he was just a mere man. And there are 4 sides on the cross and as to there be four sides to the world (North, South, East & West).
So how does this affect me, well not much actually? Did Judas betray him or not? Who knows, it happened 2000 years ago. But I think what matters was the end result. For those fortunate enough to have seen South Park there is an episode that gives a message that says, ‘… its not important how he died but how he lived, its by the examples we were to be lived by’
Weird: We’ve see so many American testimonies on TV where people claim aliens were in their bed room and they couldn’t move. Well they’ve got a logical answer to that. In a university in Japan a professor has found out this (explained in Mark’s understanding). When your body sleeps what it does is it disconnects your important nerves, which helps you by not acting out your dream. For those unlucky ones, sometimes you wake u but your body has not re-connected back to these nerves thus the feeling of immobility. For the part where you see aliens next to you, the brain gets screwed up and has hallucination. When they did an experiment in Japan the contestant saw a lady (like in the RING) with a torch in her hand. I think its quite logical don’t you think?
Ramblings: I know this week’s entry is lil long. But tell me this. Why when a woman goes steady with a guy she tries to cut him of from his mates? Anyone??? I’ve got friends who apparently cant hang out with me for a meal anymore, don’t even care what time of the day. I hate the guilt when they tell me they had to argue with their partner to have a couple of hours alone just to hang out with me. Ladies just get it in their thick heads; they need sometime apart from you. Which doesn’t mean he is leaving you for good? He just needs to let out steam by bitching about u, work, etc. I know it would be ideal if he shares with you EVERYTHING but there are things he just needs his man… not to sound gay or anything. For those woman to have their men on a leach why don’t you give them a lil slack, lengthen the leach a bit. Do your dog… I mean your men good.