Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Diary: 9 & 10 January 2004

Sunday was typical one for me I woke up late and watched loads of cartoons. Mum cooked a fusion meal (Daging Masak Merah with fries), we later had ice-cream for desert. I spent most of my time watching TV and took a short nap later in the afternoon. I know by now you must say he is such a pig... well I'll have to agree to that. When evening came I took my shower and started preparing for work. I ironed 2 sets of shirts and pants as I was just too lazy to iron every single day. I watched Smallville and Apprentice which both were marvelous in both ways. The Apprentice for the second season seems to be much tougher in task but the participant seems to be very cocky and overly confident.

Monday went me by with a breeze. I had so many meetings that it just flew me by. Shelly was in Phileo as well, she has put on a couple more pounds. She says she has eaten well when she was in abroad, but its nice to see her. She tells me that KLCC office is so dead without us, but hey nothing I can do in it. I left office sharp 6 as most of my stuff have already been completed. Tommorow I have a meeting with my team and my GM wants to join in the meeting. Oh boy its gonna be hell....

1 comment:

Shari said...

mark,i'm so bored this holiday!! free this Saturday for tea?