Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Diary: 17 January 2005

Its a Monday I find myself easily waking up, I dressed up I used my new cuff links that said "No Guts, No Glory' from Kelvin and the Tie clip from Anne both of this gifts were given to me as Christmas gifts. Both the items went along quite well. I reached office and I did some touch up on my last minute projects. I had breakfast with Logen to run through the problem he was facing at work. I took down notes so I would bring them up during the meeting later today. I went back the office and to my surprise the Pakistan staff was there. Gosh I totally forgot about them. They were supposed to spend the next 4 days in KL so that I could train them.
I had to show such a big facade, I hated them WHY, because they lied to their boss saying I didn't teach anything while there were here last time. This time I made sure they signed a "Confession" that I trained them properly. It was bad that I had so many meetings on Mondays now I had to fit them in. But I had too... I got them each a "Confessional" letter so each time I taught that a certain area they would tick them off and at the end of the day they would sign it.

I had to leave them for a while at about 11 to join for my meeting. I brought all my problem to the room and stated my case. It was such long meeting. My tummy was actually grumbling in the meeting. What made it worse was I wanted to sleep. I was stuck in there till 1. After the meeting I had a lunch date with Sharon. I wanted to pitch an idea for her department. So during lunch we talked a bit m,y idea and she liked it allot. Now all she has to do is to pitch it to clients. I've suggested Maybank as they have a wide range of users.

After lunch my training with the Pakistan staff continued. At about 5 I had another meeting with Hkng and the Pakistan staff to sum up what they have learned for the day. Later I joined content management meeting and discussed on our sales records. Lester is going on a business trip for the next couple of days so he reminded me how crucial it was that I handle the whole dept in detail. God don't I have a pressurized job. I left office at about 7.30. Lenny wanted to go to Maxis so we headed to Bangsar parked the car and walked down Telawi Street. That place I think is going to dead. There wasnt much people there. Lenny payed his bill as I watched the people pass us by. Lovely sets of woman walked by... God, where do they come from ! ! !

By the time i reached home it was already 8-ish. As I walked home I looked up to the sky. The stars shown brightly, there were so many of them., I called Anne to tell her about the stars. She loves star gazing, but she was too busy shopping at the night market. Back home it was same ol... same ol

1 comment:

Random shades said...

Luckily I didn't get you the same cufflinks. You were this close to ending up with two of the same thing.