Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Diary: 25 October 2004

I couldn't sleep the night through I was awake thinking about things, I'm back to square one. Life seems to be circle I cant seem to break out of it. Work was fairly normal although being Monday I managed to get away at 6.30. I went to Isetan to get a couple of slacks as some of mine have been a victim of my mom's house renovation. After buying my stuff I noticed that the Sales starts on the 29th... damm

Mel wasn't too please to hear about my breakup with Pris. I did tell him that it was all my fault and that I was suffering from the 'Chandler Syndrome' He never understood. I need to talk to someone, someone I can clear my head. There is a lot bottled up in me. Melman is not it. My closes friends are no more.

Priscilla sent me an email today telling me what it was in her heart. I have hurt her unintentionally, I couldn't express what I really felt in my reply but she has already assumed the worse about me. I don't blame her....

I sprained my ankle again... damm. It hurts like hell, having trouble walking. And tomorrow I need to go pant for a meeting. Its that time of the year again for me to put on weight with free 'Buka Puasa' Roadtrip around KL. My quest begins this Thursday at Eastin, company sponser.

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